
What if you have a job you studied for but now don't like it. I have an IT job that pays decently, I can save money, and my student loans are gone. If everything goes right I may even buy a house before 30. I feel like I CAN'T change careers now. I have a STEM degree and I want to be in more of the liberal arts now

I don't compare myself to anyone else anymore in public. I'm there. They are there. What's the worst that can happen? A girl that's interested in me gets swooped up by that guy? I still have my hobbies. See that's the difference. I'm not using my hobbies as a prop. I actually enjoy them. Also last but not least I've

Here is the thing. I never liked myself all that much for the longest time. I felt like I shouldn't be myself around people. Took awhile for me but I stopped giving a shit. Does someone really care if I play chess? No. Do I want to date a girl that likes a shithead that would actively say something shitty to me for

Eastern Washington by chance?

So my last job working in IT at a school district I figured out within a few months that my supervisor was a sociopath. I wanted to quit but then I had a fiscal setback and then I COULDN'T quit my job. Anyways, over time my boss tried to have me do several OSHA violations. I politely refused and said it wasn't safe to

I want to get down to a 32" pants size and would like to look good in a medium shirt size again. I was that previously about 3 months ago but some stress and financial situations came up. Those are now resolved so the gut remains. I'm not too worried about weight. If I look good naked and my doctor says I'm healthy

I graduated in 2009 with a degree in computer networking. That was about the worst timing you could have for that degree with the economy tanked and EVERYONE in college at that point. I don't regret my choice but I can tell you now that no one wanted to give me my first experience with networks even with

Funny how that works. I try to be kind to the girlfriend too when it happens. I say "I need to be by myself tonight." She says "Ok, let me know if you need anything. I'm here for you if you change your mind." I tell her thanks and I appreciate it and her for it.

Dude here.

"Hey, Walt, you're a shady guy, so I'm going to be a shady woman and fuck another shady guy and also give him over $600,000 of your money because I was a dumbass cooking his books."

"Hey, Walt, you're a shady guy, so I'm going to be a shady woman and fuck another shady guy and also give him over $600,000 of your money because I was a dumbass cooking his books."

Now playing

This is so funny too and I voted for Obama.

In the case of Ryan Lochte, I think it's funny now that as a single, straight male that any guy that said "Man, she is the DUMBEST girl ever but I'd fuck her so hard all day every day as long as she keeped her mouth shut. Just let me keep her in a room." would be the worst male in the world but the majority opinion on

I remember going to some thing for a state convention and we had to go two to a bed. There were 4 of us to a room. I didn't care if I slept two to a bed and neither did the guy I slept next to but the other two guys switched off and on with the bed and the floor. We slept opposite ends of the bend (feet to face) but

I hate that is the nickname for it. Everything devolves from there such as "Oh we're supposed to hunt with spears and walk with no shoes and die at 25?" No, the argument is before industrialization and farming we picked up naturally what was on the land hunter/gatherer like. Kind of infuriating when half the argument

Some are pretty fanatical about it. I've been bad about sticking to it myself lately in my personal life lately due to horrible job circumstances in my last job. I have a new job now but in those two months I was off it I gained ten pounds. I know this diet works for me but I don't push it on anyone else. I never

Yet, a low carb diet like Paleo is looked down upon. Not saying everyone should do it, but the people I know that choose to do it have made way better health gains and in return are more active as well. Diet DOES have a factor in your body and simple calorie counting isn't enough.

Boy here. Once every two-three weeks for me. For better or worse I have white sheets so three weeks is about the absolute max. I use Oxy-Clean and Bleach and they are as white as can be afterward. Haven't had sexy times at my place yet though so we'll see if I need to do that more.

I'm 25. Can I join Generation X? I listen to alt-90s music and old hip hop, hang out with people ten years older than me already due to my job, and I absolutely refuse to move back home unless every single option of mine is gone. I do not relate to people my age either. I'd rather suffer and grow because of those