
I'd also say to recognize when you are in a bad situation and leave. I was in a good first job until we got new management and flipped everything upside down. I took a paycut but I'm way happier at my new job. It's given me different but new opportunities but it was a lateral move.

I said 'some would say she's probably a 5' and her looks weren't the first thing to grab my attention. Then I talked to her and was attracted to her right away. I was completely honest about that. This could go exactly the same for women too and I don't think I'm bashing them or reducing to their looks. I just

My point is that I see all qualities and looks aren't the only thing I find attractive. But if we can be honest good looking people (both men and women) get away with shitty personalities. Not as good looking people can't and they must grow their personality. Simple as that.

Holy shit this. I'm seeing jobs where people need MCSA 2012 for Server work as well as 2003 and 2008. Experience isn't enough? Also I've been working with Cisco routing for a few years now and so many jobs require a CCNA and I don't have mine. I could pass it but I can't afford to spend $300 at the moment. These certs

So freaking glad I picked IT for my major and that I like it. I'm dealing with some promotion issues and degree and certification inflation but nowhere near some of these poor souls. I'm thankful for my 40 hours a week and health coverage. Not meaning as a stealth brag. I just got lucky. I will say this though. You

It works rather well. At least with me and my lesbian roommate and her girlfriend that came over. They make the best roommates for sure. Everything was clean, there was always awesome food, and we made lots of craft beer at home! There was no trouble except for the one time their friends came over and did some

There's a girl I'm seeing now and she's not a tiny stick figure. Some would probably call her a 5. I didn't think much of her at first glance but never thought she was ugly. She's not a bbw but she has some curves. Then I talked to her. That girl makes me smile every single fucking day. She is so interesting and I

First of all you are gorgeous (I'm a guy). You don't look a day over 20. 2nd I can relate. For me it was definitely being overweight and being poor. Like seriously poor. Like I didn't wear brand new clothes until I was out of COLLEGE. Poor. It was only in high school I got any sense of style but my mom picked out

My biggest issue isn't the looks of Lena. It's the shitty character of Hanna. Honestly, she doesn't have many redeeming qualities, seems entitled, and not that great with people around her. One of the best girlfriends I've had wasn't the best looking girl but she was nice, funny, and smart at least. Even thought it

Hannah is just unlikable. Period. Yes I'm a guy and don't find her physically attractive but to me it's not a dealbreaker. One of the best girlfriends I've ever had was super sweet and smart but not a looker. Hannah has nothing. It's the privilege, it's the attitude, it's the double standards. Now, LENA is a different

I think the only interesting part that may happen is Han winning the Millenium Falcon off of Lando and how Han met Chewbacca. That's about it.

Even if we haven't gotten physical past a kiss yet?

I do want to but since it's only 3 weeks I feel it's too fast to ask.

Yeah, I'm now having second thoughts about buying her a stuffed turtle (she loves turtles) for Valentine's Day and a little card saying that I'm enjoying where this is going so far. Why is that so bad? Stupid holiday..

So when should someone ask for exclusivity? I think where I'm at it's too early to ask for it. We're having a fun time dating and seeing each other. What exactly is wrong with casual? I'd like more but I think I need to wait for her to get to my speed before I say something? Is that so bad?

I'm only in week 3 of seeing this new girl but she keeps wanting to see me which is good. Also I've told this girl I like her and I'm excited to do more things with her but I don't want to freak her out. You do have to hold some cards close to the chest when you're first seeing each other. I'm giving her the space.

Yeah I was thinking that too. And if she says no to that night it's no big deal to me honestly. I f'ing hate that holiday anyway. It's like if it didn't exist I could just let this relationship run its course but since it's V-Day now I need to be super serious and show LOVE. Stupid holiday in general but especially

I admit this happened a lot in my past. I'm a guy and my self-esteem was shit and didn't know how to be happy by myself. Now I feel good. I still imagine things after a good first date but I have a healthy dose of reality and give space. Also expecting exclusivity is completely unrealistic. Both guys and girls should

I'm a guy and I wear deodorant but not anti-perspirant. I had an ex that loved when I sweated but hated when I forgot deodorant. Pheromones? Anyways I switched to non anti-perspirant as a health choice.

I'm Paleo for almost a year. Best decision of my life. I've had way more people be hostile to me because of it then the other way around. For the first 3 months I had a friend of mine literally shove a pasta dish in my face telling me to eat it. If someone is interested I explain what it is to the people that do want