Nah, I'm in WA state.
Nah, I'm in WA state.
I was going to post this if no one else was going to. Beat me to the punch.
No lol. Don't know that one.
Exactly. It's a good scenario to be in. There's several advantages. 1. If you are truly doing a hobby for yourself you'll never have a bad day. You still got better at what you did. 2. For the timid, you don't have to approach women. They will just come to you if interested. 3. You're being YOURSELF. You're not trying…
Video games are ok but I only do them when I want to be alone. It's just the truth. There are times I just don't feel like being social. Wednesday night and nobody's doing anything, that's what when I do video games. But if something is going on I definitely go to almost every event I can.
Oh I love doing Pub trivia. It's one of my favorite activities. I'm also quite good. I like being one of the top scores of the night. I have such a vast knowledge of stuff that wouldn't matter otherwise! Haha. I'm also kind of a history buff and a pop culture watcher so knowing all of that is key.
I also want to say that being a 'regular' anywhere does help. I go to this local brewpub and I'd usually be the one showing up first. At first I didn't know anyone's name. Then I joined their Mug Club and get special deals and my own mug. Then everyone started showing up there regularly for the week. Then I started…
Hey if they let you there, why not?
Definitely true on the weeding out part. Education is a big turnon for me so when a girl asks me about a book or mentions a suggestion for a similar book or the characters of that book it's an immediate turnon. It's when I'm at a coffee shop and I'm reading and a girl will ask a dumb question like "Why are you…
As a guy there are two things have helped immensely. One is working out. I have better posture, better confidence, and the endorphins put me in a better mood.
I'll give two weeks notice and work all the way up to my quit date. It's more than I got for treatment during a layoff which happened out of the blue. Also I won't sign your exit interview until the last day of the job. Just for any special treatment I may expect at the end. I won't leave you in a bind but I have zero…
As soon as I saw the headline I had to post this.
I do this usually once a week Saturday to Sunday where where I go dinner to dinner fast and it's barely any effort to do. I'm usually out with friends and eat not so healthier options at the time so this is my solution for it. Also throughout the work week I do a Leangains approach where I only eat between noon and 8…
Note to self. Bring my Carhartts to the city. This doesn't exactly work if you are already in a hick area too btw. You're definitely seen as feminine if you wear Abercrombie in Montana. I just wish I could grow some good facial hair to go with it. I know a lot of women that like the 'blue collar' style though. Think…
Uh Marty says that in Part 2.
You sound laid back. Don't change. :)
Holy hell is this true at least in my world.
There are so many girls that have like a birthday week on facebook. Just UGH. I don't even mention my birthday. I do mention to a few friends that my birthday is a week from then so we can adjust our schedules and plan (How adult) for a decent dinner out sometime within a 4 day vicinity but that's it. I'm even willing…
For sure, I know she applied some sort of awesome signing bonus (What? Getting paid to get hired?!) to it to help though. Put a dent in it anyway. Anyways I'm happy for her.
Ouch dude, you have problems on your hands. That is not ok.