
As a Canadian, I have been disappointed in Canada for the last 4 years.

I go with the regular cab Dodge Ram, uh, Ram 1500 Tradesman model—complete with a good-sized bed that let’s you get actual work done:

Fuck off. “Personal Responsibility” is the magician’s handwaving that corporations do to distract people like you from their own culpability.

Guns and cars are completely fucking different. A gun is not a tool. You can’t repair your car’s engine with a gun. You can’t install a kitchen faucet with a gun. The singular

And this is only for the stuff they actually admit to/are being forced to remedy. What about Ford PTU’s that burn up left right and center?

I have no sympathy for those who chose to buy a larger less fuel efficient vehicles when a smaller more efficient one would have sufficed over the last 10 years. Everyone should plan for fuel prices to go up and for them to fluctuate more than other recurring bills (gas, power, water will all go up, but they don’t

You still pay two thirds of what it costs in Europe, so stop whining. Better yet, start driving some sensible cars instead of 2T+ trucks.

Americans have the memory of a fruit fly and a grasp on reality of a 4 year old.

It’s like watching crack cocaine addicts scream and bitch about the price of crack when they’re STILL gobbling it up as fast as they can. Think the drug dealers care? They got you by the short hairs and they know it.

A Caravan is quite a bit different from a 172.

I’m going to be that guy and point out that pulling the nose up too fast won’t cause the engine to stall, it will cause the aircraft to stall (i.e., lose lift).

Depends on what you mean by “around here.” I cannot remember the last time I saw a pickup truck that didn’t have a contractor’s logo on it -- nobody drives them here unless they absolutely have to. 

I mean, what counts as “affordable” these days? The MSRP on the Nissan Leaf starts under 30k. The Chevy Bolt is about 32k.

I don’t think it makes sense to look at this thing’s features, we need to actually look at how it is being used. Is it constantly docked, and somebody lives in there? It’s a house. Does it move around a lot and is only docked temporarily, and nobody lives in there when it’s docked? It’s a boat.

I think it’s because there’s no way to verify that the driver in the video is the same person that rented the vehicle

This must be one of the many “responsible gun owners” they have in Florida, necessitating the complete lack of firearm ownership regulation down there.

This was my thought exactly. I went to Google Maps to make sure this town wasn’t anywhere I would ever drive through on my road trips. It’s a suburb of Birmingham, but luckily for me, I stick to the interstate around there and miss that suburb.

The forfeitures numbers are terrifying. Imagine you are on a family vacation and some small town cop decides your car and all your stuff is now their property and you have to sue to get it back. 


In a few years, this is going to be like the digital music vs. vinyl argument.

I’m OK with being called an idiot. I was an idiot. I’m also nearly 11 years sober, which doesn’t invalidate my misdeeds but at least shows that I did, in fact, address my alcoholism.