
Wild, and really shows the difference in markets between Canada and the USA. These are “order one and wait for it” in BC. The PHEVs are sold before they come off the boat, but nobody wants a gas one.

Aahh! Gimmie! This would make an incredible replacement for my Scion iQ, which has proven to me time and time again that it's all the car I need.

We have tons of them in the fleet at work for that exact reason. They’re low-tech, simple, and have had all of the kinks completely worked out of them. They’re the best truck out from a “this shit just plain works” perspective. They’re easily the modern version of the old Ford Ranger. 

Crazy. It’s a popular car in BC, Canada. It’s sister Kona EV is absolutely everywhere, and Model 3s are basically Corollas at this point...

The common thread: every one of these is offered with incredibly steep discounts to fleet customers, and all of them are common rental cars or fleet cars.

Hah. Some fun commentary, to ease your pain:
-That goofy shifter is goofy, but you get used to it in a few weeks. The extra storage space it frees up is worth its odd placement.
-The reverse beeping can be turned off. Any decent dealer will do it for you, for free, upon purchase. In the off position, it beeps once when

I wouldn't say that. Price out an X1 compared to similar cars in that segment (NX200t, GLC, RDX, Q3, etc) - the X1 has the most bang for buck. They're clearly chasing low purchase price and low lease rates on their entry-level cars. 

Inkjet printer model. The car up-front cost will go down, which will be bolstered by long term subscription costs...

Exactly wrong, and exactly the mentality which keeps the USA’s curve rising! Unless you’re buying something virtual, every dollar you spend is going to involve some kind of movement by people, increasing risk. Also, increasing the risk of the spender’s finances.

Part-out or scrap the XC70. It’s beyond economic repair. Scrap the Corvair, scrap the F100, scrap the 240. They’re all more or less worthless given their condition, and it’s time to call it quits on them.

The GM Iron Duke 2.5L.

Yep, agreed. The IS has always driven really, really well. It’s dead reliable and it kinda checks all of the boxes.

Rent a U-Haul truck for the times you need it. 

Me too. I drive them about as hard as my own car. Not particularly gentle, but not being abusive either.

Oof. They’re too bland, even for that. Versas are almost fascinatingly bad.

It really is, to be honest.

I skip sunscreen altogether, and use a bigass hat with long sleeves. It's honestly just more comfortable.

I skip sunscreen altogether, and use a bigass hat with long sleeves. It's honestly just more comfortable.

The flip “vertical”, and slide behind the front seats. You have nearly the same space as a Caravan, but a whole hell of a lot more seat comfort.

This particular GM had it's picture taken before all of the text wore off of the buttons, which tends to happen on these around the five year mark.

You would be surprised how pencil-whipped a lot of CPOs are. The body shop I work closely with has had some pretty egregious ones come in that you would not want to pay “CPO money” for. Really beat up lease returns, with four curbed wheels, significant body repair and clear lack of maintenance (sludge under the oil