You seem to have forgotten the AAA card, and the secondary means of reliable transportation — but otherwise, very accurate!
I’ve never understood it either. It’s an engine filled with downsides, which really feels like something which had an era, but is now completely obsolete - with tiny, powerful, turbocharged engines being what they are.
Let me comment on this very matter-of-fact-ly. I operate a fleet of about 600 vehicles in a self-serve rental fleet. We have about a car every two weeks filled with diesel.
Not sure about that. With simple devices (toasters, washing machines, etc), they literally have one job to do. A toaster should toast. A washing machine should do a good job of washing clothes while being efficient and quiet. A TV should have a good display quality.
Honestly, I can’t think of a single owner, or example of any Range Rover that I’ve ever seen, or even heard of, that has ever been off road before. And they’re -everywhere- in Vancouver. They’re just nice, plush, comfortable cars in everybody’s mind. Oh, and they go to the mountains to ski.
$42,8k for a pre-recession GM of any sort it absolutely crack pipe. Shit, with the discounts that were available around that time, this was likely purchased new for about that price. It hasn’t aged well or become any more desirable with time. $20k maybe, if you’re in the market for a relatively junk, only quick…
To be honest, it really didn’t. The only people who bought them were dilerious, or bought them -so- cheap that they didn’t care. What’s even worse is how quickly that junky interior wore out...
Each of those cars will have it’s braking distance computed to be able to come to a safe stop, if the car in front has to emergency brake for any reason (sudden road obstruction, etc). No different than trains with full automatic train control - there is still a need to leave headway between them.
Agreed, absolutely. I have a 2010 Prius as my DD, an S2000 as the weekend warrior.
That would be awesome!
Eh, from an efficiency and natural resources point of view, they seem like a really silly and short sighted way to have fun.
I never abuse them, but I’ve definitely had more than my money’s worth before. Theee day, $26/day, unlimited mileage - and put nearly 2000km on it in that time, for instance.
Absolutely agree. I treat rental cars like anything else I borrow - hotels, airbnbs, etc. I definitely use it as intended - I’m not too worried if my luggage causes a gentle scuff to the inside trunk lining, but I don’t trash it.
Oh, I’ve had a few of them.
He isn’t rich if he’s building a cage for it. Most of the super high-end car owners valet everything, park it at the closest stall in the store parking lot, really just don’t give a shit about it - its “just a car”, and they’ll simply be trading it in on a new one in three years, anyways.
I’d be surprised if they get anything close to asking price for this. They were never great cars - more “commercial service” than anything else, were built in nowhere near low enough quantity to ever be considered rare, aren’t nearly old enough to be considered classic, and have been made thoroughly obsolete by newer…
I don’t think I’d be hurrying to put out the fire, either. I’d want that car totalled - not repaired - after a fire, too.
Vancouver BC: an electric Razor scooter (the things that kids ride), a Segway or anything similar to these will land an operator a $600 ticket for operating a motor vehicle without insurance. And you can’t insure them, because they won’t pass a vehicle inspection, because they aren’t... you know, cars.
They don’t have bikes or public transit in Texas? 3 miles on a bike is nothing, no matter the weather.