
Never heard the song AND have never seen The Hangover?  WTF

Yup...I don’t bother clicking.

If the primary format it sold on wasn’t digital, i think its fair to call it old now.

That logo though....

Good luck trying to track that down on deals like this...

Good luck trying to track that down on deals like this...

Game is coming out on PC/Xbox/PS and Switch....

Does their WeChat app not have to provide unfettered access and censorship to the CCP.  Do we beleive that the CCP therefore isn’t also monitoring the users of the app outside of China?   Not sure i agree with a full ban on WeChat but it sure as hell shouldn’t be on any federal worker/military personal/hi value target

The Accent is getting shitcanned

Removed all of GO sites from my mobile bookmars awhile ago...they want to fuck with their users ... i don’t need to stick around.  How they keep leaping from awful to more awful every few months is astonishing.  Thankfully the writers are unionized because that solved jack shit round here.

....and the second they remove it...i’m out....its a razors edge now 

Well...Hyundai is dropping the Accent and i read today, at least in Canada, that the Veloster is only going to be available in N trim...  Overall though you’re correct, and as someone that prefers hatchbacks and sedans, gm/ford/chrysler have zero on offer (or close to nothing)

Some folks think we should have laws allowing unions but no laws against illegal strikes....and they’re livid about it to this day 

Faraday Future enters the chat

has cast organized labor as petulant and improper ever since.

Acknowledged Baidu but not Google ..hmmm

5th gear

So many Kotaku posts have a ‘we have reached out to X and will update when we hear from them”....but not this one.   Do us ALL a solid and reach out to Kotaku’s SONY contacts and ask them what the dealio is.

Tesla Model S

I’ll just drop my autonomous canoe in the local creek and it can meet me at my destination.