That song was recorded in 2008. She hasn’t identified her subjects in her album literature since like 2011. She hasn’t used a first name since “Dear John” (which, its John Mayer, do we really care?) Have anything more recent?
That song was recorded in 2008. She hasn’t identified her subjects in her album literature since like 2011. She hasn’t used a first name since “Dear John” (which, its John Mayer, do we really care?) Have anything more recent?
Please don’t lump all 5 million of us Angelenos into the same category as this slut shaming awfulness...
Yo she posted a paparazzi shot of her (or some other unexpecting girls) exposed anus. Is this really the wagon you want to jump onto the back of?
Jesus, you’re a bit too excited about being Twitter trolls “dragging” female celebrities for having an opinion (which they are allowed to have). Hop off the bully train. Take a fucking breather.
No, they didn't though. They never denied the conversation took place. They didn't affirmatively bring it up, but they readily confirmed it when Kim did. And why should they bring it up?
I’ve watched the snapchat 3 times now and I did not hear even a semblance of “i made that bitch famous”
Ew. This has devolved into something horrifying. Fuck the Kardashians again. This in response to a tweet by Chloe to focus on more important things.
I will say, the aspect of the lyric that Taylor has honed in on from the beginning was the “I made that bitch famous” part. That’s what she made her “don’t let anyone take credit for your fame” Grammy speech about, and its also what her publicist remarked on (the use of ‘bitch’) months ago... He clearly did not read…
Honestly, it was not that bad. The process itself was rather painful, but the recovery was easy and I went to work the next day. I was at 11 weeks so I had to induce contractions (via a pill you hold underneath your tongue) to dilate my cervix enough to proceed. That process was about 2 hours long and was very painful…
The worst part is how deeply uncomfortable the Asian woman in the direct foreground looks throughout the entire video.
While I`m happy John Oliver is nominated, both Sam Bee and Seth Meyers were robbed in Outstanding Variety Talk Series
Ok just one question: what does the ETC after Katy mean?!
I once collided with another tuber while being pulled behind a boat (we had two adjacent tubes going), and ended up in the hospital with a cracked humerus. When two tubes careen toward each other it can be VERY dangerous.
Where’s the love, Bill Murray?
Holy shit. Particularly surreal with OJ and Nicole thrown in there at random.
Caitlyn’s mansion is in the Malibu hills, which is a drive from the water (there is beachfront Malibu and hilltop Malibu - which actually has some great wineries!)
There is a depressing lack of wine at all of the Kardashian dinners...
Defense lawyers deserve nothing but praise, even the ones people find despicable. So much of the time, they serve as the only advocate for poor, young defendants who are so so vulnerable to being railroaded by asshole prosecutors and detectives. They are so, so vital. (Promise I'm not a defense attorney, just a…