If Harris did indeed “withdrew with interest” money from DavorCoin, AFTER the Texas DoS cease and desist, there may be legal implications, esp. if DavorCoin lawsuit got filed by victims, because Harris is a “net winner” on an alleged ponzi scheme.
It’s missing a lot of little features a launcher normally would have.
And in a way, this is the trend established by Rogue One, where they only “sorta” succeeded, but in reality, merely delayed the inevitable.
Ouch. NON-Trek 3D Pen is $42-70 on Amazon. Star Trek one is $100.
Personal experience: I heated a boiled egg in microwave. It’s a 1000-1200 Watt one and I think I did 30-40 seconds. It was already peeled.
You mean “The Only Gamer who got sanctioned by SEC” Trevor “TmarTn” Martin, right?
I got one of these. They are pretty foolproof. The *only* issue is the cap kinda pokes you between the eyes unless you learn how to slide it into the “handle” in the stow position, and that’s not as easy as it seems.
I got one of these. They are pretty foolproof. The *only* issue is the cap kinda pokes you between the eyes unless…
In NorCal, there seems to be only 4 carriers left. KPMG, BlueCross/Anthem, OSCAR (new), and CCHP. Rates for 2018 has Bronze plans generally cost $1 per month, Silver for under $60-80 a month (depending on specific plan), and Gold for about $140-200 a month. The problem with bronze is $75 doctor visits, NO subsidy for…
I’ll put in a vote for https://quollwriter.com/
Looks like they are back already.
Startrek.com is selling that DISCO t-shirt for like $25. WTF...
IMHO, given the vehicles are relatively new, my guess is corporate haven’t kept up with all the driver hires and fires.
I work for a charter party carrier that just passed a CHP inspection not too long ago. Feel free to ask questions and I’ll answer what I can.
FWIW, PUBG’s unofficial Chinese name is “Eat Chicken”
No one said Paddock was going for accuracy. AFAIK, reports are he had a rifle with a EOtech HoloSight. Eotech is a 50m-100m sight for quick target acquisition, IIRC. It’s not a sight for long-range engagement. The guy just like buying ****, and apparently finally got the bug to use them for real. That’s a real sick…
If you actually see a booth with attendants, you can stop and they’ll write you an IOU, i.e. a citation that you promise to pay as soon as you get home. There is no need to turn around. Else, just drive through and a photo ticket will be mailed. If it’s a rental, they’ll charge you automatically. ZipCar does.
Looks like a Toyota FJ with body kit.
It’d cost more to put up the structures than he’s selling them for.
And it may not be legal, at least not in California. To carry students, even high school students, needs a special kind of permit normal carriers don’t have (SPAB)