
I guess “betting the company on this one game” could be “mismanagement”. But I think they could have survived it if they had someone going to bat for them like that creative director. You can have mismanagement, or you can have no creative director at XBox batting for you, but having both, IMHO, was what sunk the

I don’t think it’s that. A lot of the time, the contract is written that the publisher’s got all the power. Remember, they already handed over 2 mil. A lot of these small studios basically live from paycheck to paycheck, and they decided to bet it all on one title, and they rolled snakeeyes. Doubt it had something to

Follow up... I got a switch upstairs to “split” the powerline’s output so I can hook it up to more things, AND a range extender to help the 5 GHz band along.

Having never played the original (I don’t do consoles, period) or seen the footage, but *have* worked in the industry (albeit along the periphery), I’d have to put the blame in Microsoft’s court. Management at Darkside could have better managed the expectations rather than labor along HOPING for more money, but the

iReport is a spam magnet. A lot of those fake “universities” spam iReport then link to those and claimed “as shown on CNN.com” and so on. iVillage got the same sort of spam.

About 15 years back my POS Taurus (my dad bought it for 2K back then) finally gave up the ghost (it had a digital dash. Whoopee!) so I was out shopping for a vehicle. I had looked all OVER San Francisco, looking at various compact and larger (I can't stand subcompacts) and I stopped by SF's local Ford Dealer's used

Not being in the military, my guess is flares fired by automatic systems as simulated AAA fire.

FYI, "Crustacean" in San Francisco is an expensive restaurant, whose signature dish is a Dungeness Crab, whole, with special herb mix, and garlic noodles. Average tab now... $80 per person. Appetizers are 7.50 to 12.50, main courses are $15 to 25. The special crab? You're looking at $50+. AND there are side dishes and

I have a MX512, and was kinda sad when I tried to buy a replacement and had to get the G500.

I have a MX512, and was kinda sad when I tried to buy a replacement and had to get the G500.

Now for the "What color is the bunny?" joke...

Hmmm... Can you carry this on a drone? ;)

What'd be REALLY intriguing... put the Apache nose (TADS) on the OV-10, complete with the 30mm chaingun. TADS is the whole package: laser, optical, etc.

The short answer is "not invented here". Military had always been an "inertia heavy institution" and very few things will convince them to change their operating pattern. As the joke goes, military is always looking to refight their last war. The sub guys want to keep the nuke programs going, even if they had to

Of course, one begs the question... If they can make this into an ASW platform, what's to prevent this from carrying a slew of hull mounted VLS tubes and maybe a return enhancer / decoy to act as escorts for the CVBG?

I swore the other day I saw a guy duct-taped one of these batteries to an iPhone (a 4 or 5) and was holding it to his ear. I noticed before I realized the phone was smaller than the battery. :D

I swore the other day I saw a guy duct-taped one of these batteries to an iPhone (a 4 or 5) and was holding it to

SOG's are know to, shall we say, go UNODIR a bit. They probably thought "no harm, no foul", have some pretty girls touch some of the fancy equipment a bit, pose pretty for them to ogle over, some extra money for the slush fund for the next BBQ blowout. I mean, no calendar company wants to PAY to rent equipment if they

Some people just want to make mountains out of anthills (it’s not even a molehill). Wonder if they have a history of suing random people off the street?

I am waiting for it to hit $60. Right now you can get 64GB for $30 when Amazon has them on sale, so nobody wants to pay $70 for 128GB unless they absolutely, positively must get something larger.

I am waiting for it to hit $60. Right now you can get 64GB for $30 when Amazon has them on sale, so nobody wants to

hypothetically, a CVT transmission can do it.

Nope, the flipping tank / Letty leap / Dom catch / bounce off a hood scene.