
The problem is doing it back may give the wrong message, like "reciprocation".

Was the "wifey" in the 1st case bipolar?

I invite the guy to put up the video again, except cut out all the video game footage, and put huge CENSORED words in black background complete with takedown notice URL. but KEEP the voice over.

Don't even need to go that far back. Boeing's X-48 was supposed to be a concept for more frequent but shorter commercial flights.

Burying the placenta sort of makes sense, as you sorta want to 'thank' it for helping your baby enter this world, and you want its material to be returned to the Earth to be made into something new. It's even carbon neutral and blah blah blah.

Makes you wonder... Why have a fuselage at all? Just make the whole thing a wing (and maybe a tail).

Impressive, yes, but don't forget Jet Li's "Hero", also involved thousands of PLA soldiers. According to promo material, up 18K PLA soldiers were used as extras.

FYI, the mm30g does NOT work with Moto X (1st gen). I have it. :(

FYI, the mm30g does NOT work with Moto X (1st gen). I have it. :(

I sense a Poe's law violation.

At $15, it also doesn't cost $60 like a full AAA title.

Reminds me of my attempts at driving the 2.7RS back in NFS: Porsche Unleashed. :D

Agree with you there. All this "evolved" thing is just post-hoc justification.

That's because the writers are often ignorant. There not only needs to be Latino actors and actresses, there also needs to be writers (and "ethnic" consultants) I mean, if military or Law enforcement shows have firearms consultants or such, why don't shows featuring some ethnic characters have "ethnic" consultants?

Good for her.

Some bot has it out for you, man. ;)

Would be easier if he's wearing a green suit, wouldn't it? ;)


It's probably HIT-RON. Cru-Ron, Des-Ron, etc.

Figures. Cru-ron, Des-ron... Just had to be hit-ron. :)

Heck, they'll probably keep the trailer hitch AS IS and have a story to tell about it after every tailgate party! :D