
you understand that to do that would require them to acquire new licensing for a one off image which would likely need to go through a buying department and take multiple days...instead of just using the image library they already have a license for and getting the article out in a timely manner. Journalism requires

Lifestyle brands have to eventually piss off their core audience to survive.

I ride with a bunch of Harley guys and no way in hell they will buy an electric HD.

Still miles behind Australia on the sheep shagging.

Actually they were the first in sheep transmitted STDs

Republicans are more invested in the so-called culture war than actually doing any legislating and governing. While I don’t think this bill would ever pass, the idea that Wyoming politicians introduced it would mean that they get to stay in office even longer because they are 100% pandering to their voter base.

It’s not a problem, the hijinks were great, and then became even better once you realized the depth of the characters layered underneath them.

A lot of the time a slow burn gives us time to get invested in the characters and the basic story while letting the mystery build over the first 1/3 or so. It’s asking a lot

Your comment makes entirely too much sense, stop that.

This article, which was written on the heels of an article from the Atlantic, seems to be written with a false premise- that somehow US automakers are ONLY making huge, behemoth EVs. That is so far from the truth its ridiculous that an automotive journalist versus me wouldn’t at least do the slightest amount of

Functioning government?? 😂😅😅

Now explain why it’s legal to attach the pointed heads of pikes to those wheels.

Tell me you roll coal without telling me you roll coal.

Nuclear energy is still a possible energy source for the future. If we start to reprocess the current ‘spent’ (only about 10% of the fissionable material was used) fuel, we can dramatically reduce the waste. The resulting wastes from the reprocessed fuel, while more radioactive, has much shorter half-lifes.

Wow, that's two stupid takes in as many sentences

Maybe only for Japan, but Japan is a very distant 3rd in automotive sales (1/10th the size of pack leaders; China and US combined). This strategy suggests a circling of the wagons and only serving the home country if they get left behind in the electric market that other countries are pursuing.

Perhaps they are people who want an electric car with proper body panel gaps?

But can the Sapphire set $44 billion on fire as fast as the Plaid? 

It wouldn’t take that many dimensions -- it’s the same way that piece of shit became President.

What a fucking loser.

Articles like this only make me love the Japanese more and more. They know that collective sacrifice and strict policies are required in order to keep driving as a privilege and not a right. Here in the States, we have 20-somethings acquiring used Hellcats or heavily modified German or Japanese cars and destroying