You know what sucks?
You know what sucks?
I know right?
We don’t have an ambulatory schizophrenic in the white house anymore.
Damn. If only your Fascist-In-Chief would have had his insurrection work you could have had Trumps for life like you want.
I’ve thought long and hard about this. I just can’t escape the conclusion that since EVs don't fit my specific use case, they are completely worthless.
600 miles still isn’t practical. Most of us drive 3,000 miles a day, in a blizzard across Antartica. How’s the mileage at -60°?
Compared to Republicans, yes. The world isn’t black and white.
I am cautiously optimistic about the new federal incentives to states for building charging networks. It will be great to have some sort of standardization for finding and purchasing the charging. When I first started using charging stations outside of my home, I would excitedly find a charging station at my…
Owning an EV still requires a bit of work (learning where you can charge, installing a home charger, understanding your range), especially at first.
God I hate Funkos. Oh, you like Thing A? Well, here’s a chunk of injection-molded plastic that sorta looks like it. At least with actual toys there’s the possibility that someone will play with them.
My husband is a big bearded dude who drives a SuperCrew F-350 with a capper (he’s a contractor). Everyone pegs him as a RWNJ on site and it’s alarming the kind of (ignorant, racist, conspiracy theory, etc.) stuff people feel comfortable saying to him as a result.
It’s almost as if everyone owning guns does not in fact reduce the risk of gun violence, but indeed increases it. And it’s almost as if a tool exclusively made for efficient killing is a lot more efficient at killing than other tools that can technically be used for the same end.
And yet people will continually insist that the US doesn’t have a gun problem...
I hope so too.
They’re digging their own graves by doing so, and speeding up the shift to renewables.
Send out checks to everyone—more money supply—so there’s less value. And we get inflation—only an idiot couldn’t see that effect coming.
I’ve been around firearms most of my life. I learned to shoot when I was 10 and later spent 20 years in the Navy, where I was an expert shot with both pistols and rifles. That said, I have never, ever felt the need to carry a weapon on me while going about my daily life.
I hope it will not be like that Hyundai. Can we please stop with those stupid pops and crackles? I’d like to be able to drive a car like this as an adult, without looking and feeling like a tool.
Thieves suck. But crime like this shoots up during economic unrest. If people had good jobs with pay that at the very least matched inflation, there would be FAR less package theft going on in this country.
Did a cyclist once ruin your day because he didn’t have to sit in traffic next to you? Or are you mad because they didn’t have a beer gut?
“Ah yes, white female tears..One of the most effective & potent weapons in the arsenal of white supremacy/power.”