
Allow me an analogy: You walk into a Quiznos and see a guy leave half of a perfectly good Italian sandwich just... sitting there. There’s nothing wrong with it. The sandwich was clearly cut in half, and aside from being a little rough from the unwrapping process, that’s half of a good sandwich. It even still has the

This is why I refuse to even use my camera. No need to see my face as long as you can hear my voice. 

He ain’t wrong, though. I was driving the Miata last week on a beautiful, twisty country lane, lovely new asphalt, nothing but trees as far as the eye could see, feelin’ good, when I come around a tight corner and BOOM oil truck just parked right there in the road right in front of me.

I’ve seen pigeons fight over chicken bones at the floor of a Popeye’s. All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Yes. This article is much needed. I salute all of these women doing the work.

THANK YOU FOR THIS. I hope the comment section won’t be crickets like it usually is when the article centers the sisters.

Stacey Abrams is an American hero, full-stop.  She needs to be acknowledged as such.

I’ll just come out and say it: education. The ones who went to college don’t support Trump. I know so because I see it in my own family.


I still can’t believe the ego it takes to run in an election with no plan, no ideas, no reason except to sate their own ego.

Those drivers have some real small-dick energy and are afraid of their world coming down.

This is straw man horseshit.

reassembly is NOT the same as assembly but in reverse!!!!!!!!!! this is why I always reach for my complaet idiot’s guide and not my haynes/chilton when something goes wrong

So stating that humans who shot a sleeping woman 8 times after busting into her home should be held accountable is a political thing?

This is not a ‘both sides’ issue. When the question is “should police be allowed to kill unarmed, sleeping civilians” the answer is “no” and there’s no option to be tolerant or open-minded. There isn’t a compromise “police can have a little murder, as a treat” option. While there might be different solutions to the

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

Typically you don’t get the crabs from just a Hummer

The silly thing about all of this Ellen hoopla is that it’s focused on Ellen. I have no affinity for Ellen, I have never watched her show (shows?), but I have worked below the line on plenty of bullshit and I got to say they treat you like shit in Hollywood, because they can. You know what working for Ellen is

It is as if the human body is not a direct analog to an uncared for machine.

Now playing

In his speech before giving Biden the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Obama mentions they frequently disagreed.