I haven't flown since before 9/11. And I just got a new job where I'm going to have to fly to San Diego from Charlotte. I really don't look forward to any of this crap.
I haven't flown since before 9/11. And I just got a new job where I'm going to have to fly to San Diego from Charlotte. I really don't look forward to any of this crap.
I use i.TV on my iPhone now, but this would be cool if it had some of the management features.
Talk about riding in the hot seat.
@A.Jaswal: "I can't possibly imagine an Adidas ad campaign insulting anyone, unless they have some hidden meaning that all us normal people don't understand but you feel th eneed to protect us from bad ads. "
Reminds me of a song:
@blyan-reloaded: I have a TiVo HD hooked up to an antenna, no cable at all. I get all of the local channels, in HD, and only pay $13/mo. It's not worth it for me to pay for cable especially HD cable.
One major problem with IE is the technology support fragmentation. IE 6 requires CSS hacks. IE7 has it's own set of CSS hacks. IE8 is getting close, but little or no HTML 5 support. Now you have to code for another, very different browser. If you're running FF, Chrome or Safari, you are usually at least current…
@mecha2142: Sorry, not Bacon.
My name is Kevin, and I've jailbroken my iPhone. There, I've said it.
Thanks, I just fixed mine! J
I got this when I tried to log into Facebook via Opera for iPhone. I had to login on my computer and then authorize the activity.
@Buddha916: You ain't kidding about Realtors. I'm an in-house computer programmer for a real estate development company. I've worked with many of them and know what you're talking about. The many times we host events, some just show up for the free booze.
Great advice. If you can keep that savings account up w/o making a withdraw for the full 24 months, then you've got a nice little down payment or moving expenses. We decided to buy a house that was 20% less than what the Realtor calculated we could afford based on our income.
Lucky for me, I've never been a "snoozer." In my youth, I would wake up, bright-eyed 1 or 2 minutes before the alarm would go off. Now, more often than not, the alarm wakes me. My wife keeps me honest as she's threatened me if I let the alarm sound more than once.
I think I know why they changed that default setting. The "tear away" tabs function allows you to drag a tab out of the existing window into a new one. For example, you have 1 window with 2 tabs. Drag one tab out of Firefox and it will create a new window. But wait, there's more! You can then drag the tab from…
@RenRen: Very true. They seem to turn a blind eye to other people's efforts in order to make their product better. IE for example. Switch the rendering engine already!
@ComputerCarl: Let's be fair here. OpenOffice wasn't around for most of those versions of Office and PDF isn't free to distribute. It appears that there have been work arounds for OpenOffice and you've always been able to make PDFs if you're willing to pay Adobe for that right or with a number of free softwares.