
Google didn't start the lawsuits, they only countersue.

Maybe step 4 would be upgrade the network.

how about the fact that her fingers are GLOWING.

Go somewhere they offer FiOS, quite awesome.

I think I used one as a condom the other day.

although, I'm sure if I email them a scanned copy of my passport and license that both say "C@ptain SuperAw3s0m3" they'l allow me on, so yea, this article is bullshit. If you want to be anonymous, claim your name "John Smith" or "Jane Smith" I'm sure that is going to be harder to flag than "C@ptain SuperAw3s0m3"

Haven't you heard, until Apple releases some kind of social network, this site is going to hate on all the others. They are after all not in any trouble for the whole "iPhone 4 prototype" debacle. I think one of the ways to get into Giz as a writer is to blow Jobs, and by one of the ways I mean the only way and

If it gets big enough, connect with people you actually know from the past who don'tknow you as "sk8terboi"


An Algorithm, so if you put "William Johnson" as your name, they won't give a shit even if it's not your name, if you put "Ke$ha" as your name, and don't have a last name, it's pretty obvious. Also people can flag other users.

I much rather they collect info before advertising than try to sell me, a 24 year old male, tampons, like Hulu did even though I said the ad was irrelevant about 8 times.

Very good point, didn't think of that but I guess if you use a "real name" that's not yours you're safe, though the only issue now is, Google was trying to lure celebs in to make their service more popular, and the most popular artists nowadays don't go by anything that can be considered to be a real name.

Have you not seen all the FB incidents where say, someone was murdered because someone jealous ex pretended to be a hot girl and shot the guy in his car, or all the children who were tricked as well?

It detects them by assholes reporting them. How hard is it to have people sign up with their real name, and have their displayed name be different. Set age and gender to be public by default to protect stupid little kids who think they got lucky and found a hot girl who wants to have sex with them.

As much as I love Google, why not let you sign up with your IRL name, then use a pseudonym, they want to attract celebs, but Lady Gaga, Ke$ha and Flo Ri Da, all have real names that we don't know (among others), and if they really want to expand, let people go by what they want to.

Ah, now I see what you're saying, getting ondemand would be nice, but HBO Go helps quite a bit with catching up on shit I missed.

I mostly want the 4 tuners, as I'm sure I can upgrade the memory on my Tivo Premier.

You can get 300 hours of HD recording and 4 tuners? What provider do you have?

the FiOS DVR holds about what, 20 hours of HD? It was quite sad, so I went with Tivo.

I have FiOS and a Tivo...