
But it will limit their power on the federal level with limits. Also, previous work experience should be looked at when they vote on things for conflict of interest, like Clarence Thomas on the supreme court. Ex Monsanto lawyer that lets a company patent genes, and allows them to sue people who's seeds they've been

DAMMIT, so why did I buy 8 boxes of crayolas and melt them today =(, I really wanted the elventy billion.

Does anyone else think the "Smartphones sponsored by blackberry" is funny?

And what will the hacker get from them? "ZOMG did you see Katy today, those shoes were SSOOOOO slutty, ZOMG!!"

I'd much rather relevant ads than when I go to hulu and get ads for maxi pads and such.

Yea, let em keep lining their pockets, I've seen articles saying the political system here is broken beyond repair, I disagree, our fellow citizens are just morons. As for "no experience" you do understand people normally move from governor or state senate to the US senate, everyone in congress does have a past.

I APPRECIATE the RANDOM capitalized words. I UNDERSTAND you are trying to emphasize certain points. YOU did SAY that you AGREE with the meathead, who filed an ASSAULT CHARGE against said person, so if you DID NOT SAY it's ASSAULT, how can you AGREE with someone FILING ASSAULT.

I'm sure moving the industrial sector to foreign nations didn't help. Fuck the middle class to save a few bucks for the rich, yea, greed, the average american laborer didn't fuck us, the million/billionaires did, as did our worthless fucking politicians who have been serving 5-8 terms in a row, why the fuck does the

Now that may be true, but it wasn't always, like when MSFT got hit with being a monopoly, or did you forget that apple was almost dead at a few points?

Last I checked, when the US Economy crashed, mostly the rest of the world crashed as well.

Check out a normal cheap set of surround speakers, then look at the average LCD/LED/Plasma, tell me how the fuck you'd fit those speakers in that thin ass box, as well as a display.

And do you think I can claim assault on an airplane if the dick in front of me moves his seat back and hits my knees? Fuck an airline chair can be considered a deadly weapon, so I guess that's prison for adjusting your seat, fuck that, this is bullshit.

But if no less, then that means you'd be willing to pay more, like eleventy billion dollars.

As in softer and they come off the stick and go onto the paper more effectively.

The wax that melts more is better, because it will transfer to paper more easily...we know the RoseArt barely melted, hence him saying the Crayola melted easier.

Because the PR is much better when you're hiring locally, also it's a bit more green that way. Also there's the fact that our economy is in the shitter and unemployment is quite high, if less companies were so selfish, we'd be in a much better place. Oh yea, and "Made in USA" always looks better than "Made in China"

G+ hopefully doesn't end up the same way, at the moment it's pretty awesome, though not enough people on it.

Look into OFAC and you'll see there's serious civil and criminal penalties to give money to people on the list, or countries on the list.

How is fixing facebooks new chat system in any way shape or form related to this? backup android data? Lose the fucking related stories giz, this shit is pathetic.

So I'm looking at the related stories...