
" and may enable nastier tricks like implanting them with hidden malware that infects the computer"


Works fine for me...

Do you even use it? It's quite different from facebook, and doesn't suck mostly.

want to share your gmail?


Remember when they were gonna crack down on fragmentation in the coming year? This is a patch until Ice Cream Sandwich.

You do realize you make 70% on both apple and android apps right?

OG Droid is not what I was thinking when I saw that.

Hulu needs to be bought by anyone other than Apple, RIM could make a comeback if they just ditched their blackberry and went with Hulu.

If he's a paraplegic how did he build it?


Did you not read the comment? OP said they should bring it back to the US, I said if they did they'd have to pay fair wages, as in right now they pay Foxconn to have their employees work themselves to death and sign no suicide contracts.

We're not an empire, we don't take land, we just bomb it.

Adobe would have done fine without Apple, it does run on Windows too FYI.

But then their profits might not be over 20% of revenues, you know, paying fair wages and all.

The "yet" scares me, hopefully it never will.

Well, at least G+ is 12 and under free.

I know it doesn't, but in a previous article on here they had fun facts about the shuttles, and that was one of em, except it specified Olympic sized pool.

how can you see from the revenue that they are turning a healthy profit?