Miss Chicka

Yeah, how would they know?

"We share a collective condition known as nigger, white people don't."

You really just don't think black people are attractive. We are amazons! We are scary. Dig, dig, dig, exposing yourself, exposing yourself, exposing yourself. Face it. That's your prejudice.

I agree. Good for you Kathy!

Yeah child, dump her.

Oh and I'm not talking about one class a year, nope!

Make an ethnic studies class for all students (Caucasian students especially) to attend throughout college. That should fix it.

Vogue cares about the homeless so much, they are giving their magazine to them for free. They are keeping the homeless warm during these cold and windy nights! Good job Vogue! You're better than Cosmopolitan! Haha.

I had to look up what 'fleek' is. It means 'on point'. I thought it was ''on Fleet Street.''

No Eagan, it's not great. In fact, it's misguided. You don't get a pat on the back. Ugh. Take off the hijab before someone hurts you.

Must move out of the country. Eff that!

What caused her waist to slim down?

No one should be in the Middle East. No Aid worker, no ambassador, no one! If anyone is in the Middle East, you are more prone to kidnapping and execution by ISIS. So step into the territory at your own risk! Our government will not get you out. You will possibly die!

When did raver pants become high fashion? Shouldn't have thrown away those LTD2 pants I bought.

This is such a sad situation.

I knew it. He's the drama teacher.

I watch wrestling. I watched wrestling ever since the 90's. Good old WCW days. They have fallen off. Streetfight? So now they are competing with the UFC? If they are out of their formula and not sticking to choreographed wrestling with prominent stars, then they will start to lose business.

I totally understand. Fro out, people see me, especially if this was at the local bar that I frequent. They want to know 'where I went off to' and 'how come they didn't see me out'. I would tell them that they did see me, when I was wearing braids or a weave. They would stand at the bar confused for a minute or two,

I totally understand. Fro out, people see me, especially if this was at the local bar that I frequent. They want to know 'where I went off to' and 'how come they didn't see me out'. I would tell them that they did see me, when I was wearing braids or a weave. They would stand at the bar confused for a minute or two,
