Miss Chicka

Like I believe anything this attorney general or government personnel says. The government is only saying this because less citizens means less money for them. Once things calm down, what happens to all these new policies? Out the window they go. Completely forgotten. Didn't even say anything about gun control. You

Good dog. Good loyal dog. Hope you get a lot of meat, kibble, frisbees, and bones in heaven.

As horrible as this seems, I will have to slightly, ok, agree with the investigators and prosecution on this case. If the girls didn't want to give a formal complaint, their parents didn't want them to do it, nor did the parents or themselves personally keep up with the investigation or contact investigators


This is the way to do it. You must communicate, sometimes even attack, if and when necessary.

Thank you.

Ok. I've only read a couple of the comments here, but the ones that I have read some of them are just flat out saying to men that men do not have the right to talk to a woman. *facepalm* Ok......

Flirting I feel is a gray area. I would always be cordial (no flirting) and then see if she flirts. If she does, you're in. If she doesn't, move on.

I beg to differ. Some of us women actually answered his question without being angry and accusatory in the process. I'm not mad at the guy. I'm actually shocked that there are women who are "internet yelling" at this guy rather than calmly and rationally arguing that they are right and he is wrong without

Wrong idea chicka. He is doing the right thing by asking us women how we want to be treated while out in public. You never know, he could educate his friends. To tell him to "look on Google" is to dismiss him. Dismissing him is perpetuating this crap. I like guys like him who ask questions before going out and doing

  • You can approach girls while she is on vacation.
    When you approach her, approach her with your group and just talk. It's vacation!

Please read the entire deposition. The sexual assault was mentioned here, but she denies this, however she admits that she was making out with him etc. All of these statements were made in a previous lawsuit that involved her manager before Dr. Luke. It also shows that her mother knew of the drug and sex situation but

You know, this is how I think all of this went down:


"Then don't upload / take the risk of uploading these kinds of images to devices that USE these cloud based servers!" <This is victim blaming.

But she shouldn't be judging herself for the video/picture being hacked and saying that she didn't want people to look at her that way. Nowadays if you take a video or picture and you're a girl, you have to wonder if it's going to make it online somehow and how to deal with it if it has. If you do it, own it. Don't be

By the way, I'm agreeing with you.

Are men upset that their dicks are out there for women to masturbate to? Nooooooo. Why should women be morally upset that their bodies are on display? Why should it be forced on them to feel remorseful?

If I were a hot celebrity and my boyfriend , fiancee, or I took naked pictures of me, I wouldn't be so upset about the leak to be honest with you. I would be upset that I was hacked and that people had my pictures and weren't paying me for it, or mass produced a video that I didn't receive money off of, but I wouldn't

Black person in Asia: They are.