especially since Adam Corolla ended up being a massive douche
especially since Adam Corolla ended up being a massive douche
elemental fire
thank you
it would be so great if thy held this at a venue that didnt have a ramp...
Stop tugging!
gotta go to the one DOWNTOWN though, thats the legit one...
plus he has donkey brains!
why is she even there?
classic republican bullshit....
YOU get a pittance! And YOU get a pittance! And YOOOOOUUUUU get a pittance!
YOU get a pittance! And YOU get a pittance! And YOOOOOUUUUU get a pittance!
when you are a clown, everything is a joke...
and i say to all the people on this list, a hearty “GO FUCK YOURSELF!”
it really syncs perfectly for a second there
this, plus its also basically the propaganda arm of the gun manufacturers, who couldnt give a shit what happens as long as they can sell, sell, sell!
socially liberal when convenient and not affecting their personal bottom line
Jonathan Chait and Chris Cilizza and all these other out of touch elite establishment-fellating mainstream journalists really should just go fuck themselves right into the ocean
right? if one of these billionaire owners really gave a shit, someone would have picked up Kaep before all this narrative shifting
he did that as a goof... everyone else just ran with it after
Voldemort gonna voldemort....