Krombopulos Michael

I follow a lot of different sports media, so I see it as kind of a break from the norm. Yeah, I find myself correcting stuff he says from time to time, but at least he freely repeatedly admits that he’s a comedian trying to do a sports show, so guests are almost always smarter than him. He just seems like a genuinely

Loved Rome growing up, but have graduated to Scott Ferrall and Jay Mohr. Mohr might be one of the happiest and funniest human beings on the face of the planet, while Ferrall might be one of the most miserable-sounding. Got tired of Rome’s schtick, but always was impressed and still am with his interviewing skiils and

Just further proves Kobe is still one of the greatest students of the game. That’s why he got out of the way the second time.

You can make it if you try HGH

Then why did he dedicate a whole segment of his radio show to shopping for new ones?

You Can Have Good Stats and Hurt Your Team Coach Fans

A memoir by Metta World Peace

KRS-14&2, actually. Common mistake.

I was gonna say, don’t forget all the Powerball hype over the past week. Because you’ve totally got a better shot at that than winning a 50/50 pool. One is private, one is run by the state. Guess which one is totally legal.

That’s low, chap.

+1. After reading that in the story I was so glad that this was the top comment. I’d love to believe that in Ireland official police investigations are carried out by trained crows scouring the countryside.

Dude needs better glasses. The card said Steve Harvey.

“And I’m more usually known for being left OUT of lineups,” the perplexed occasional DH continued.

“Blinded, you all are, and you lack the ability to be sharp critics.”

“Tom Brady is both Rey and Kylo Ren? Get out of here with that, guy who made this video.”

I heard the ref just before that mentioning how he had saved a bunch of money on his car insurance by switching to GEICO.

Nice to know that he and Russell Westbrook have a special relationship.

It’s good for the soul.

Thank you for your service.

C’mon now, Bosh is way to valuable to the Heat to be pulling stunts like that.