
While rooting through a $1 Bin years ago, I found a movie called Corrupt Lieutenant starring Harvey Keitel and John "Johnny Rotten" Lydon. It's a total piece of crap, but my brother and I were both pretty familiar with Bad Lieutenant and The Sex Pistols, so I figured it was worth the dollar for having a joke DVD lying

Oh, I would think they would've discovered bourbon on the Cob Planet by now. Unfortunately, the bourbon is also on a cob, so…

I would read the hell out of that comic!

I forgot about Jubilee, but to my credit so did most people.

Fan fiction, maybe. But nothing canon.

Heh. I forgot there are TWO East-Asian stereotypes to keep track of.

I'm still not sure they've introduced a character of Eastern Asian descent that isn't a martial arts expert. I've been out of the loop for a few years, so maybe its happened by now?

Not terribly familiar with the Marvel Universe, eh?

Yeah, I was wondering when I missed the announcement of it getting pushed back.

It was good, if not pretty busy. Worked all three of my jobs for a combined total of 19 hours, so I was happy to finally get a chance to sit down and watch maybe the best Super Bowl I'd ever seen while washing down pizza with a few bottles of Troegs Nugget Nectar. Being an Eagles fan I can't officially be happy for

You might even say you got a rise out of them , eh?

I got a laugh out of them. Kristen Schaal is funny, and it's nice to see BDSM treated sort of cheekily instead of like its some sort of weird, scandalous thing that only damaged people and weirdos enjoy on such a huge forum.

There are two of them. Both worth the two minutes combined it would take to watch them on the you tube.

Personally, I can't get enough of Kristen Schaal: Masochistic Cell Phone Subscriber.

Even crazier? They wouldn't let GNC advertise during the Super Bowl because a tiny amount of the supplements they sell (something like 3%) contain ingredients that are banned for use by players in the NFL. Not illegal, just banned from the NFL.

Does the idea that Watson is now preparing peoples' taxes seem like it should be a joke on Silicon Valley to anyone else? I mean, that seems like kind of a waste.

As a resident of southeastern PA, if you had told me that one day I would willingly choose Budweiser over Yeungling, and that I'd be making a political statement while I did so, when it came to cheap beer I probably would've laughed in your face. But here we are, in 2017 where nothing makes sense.

Second this one. Get the form down and work your way up to heavier weights once that's perfect. Otherwise, you might wind up loading up too much on squats using less than perfect form, and spraining your knee and that'll just make everything else harder… not that I know anyone this happened to.

At the bar I go to there's another regular with the same last name as me. It's a relatively common name, but the weird thing is that someone carved it into one of the faux-bricks on the men's room wall. It wasn't him, and it wasn't me.

Well, I mean it's a family business. I really like killing, but I'm not sure anyone loved it as much as K.Michael did.