
Please leave Survivor alone. I'll still be watching Survivor when we hit Season 100 and Jeff is rolling around in his wheelchair checking out the buff dudes.

I masturbated to this. Don't you dare shame me.

It would be nice to have a show aimed at 'people like me' that doesn't revolve around cheesy shock value plots, wish fulfilment and zingy one-liners that all seem designed solely to provoke an OH NO S/HE DITTINT reaction on Twitter,

This was…fine….I guess. I'm having a little bit of Virgin fatigue.

This was well written, interesting and stayed on topic without veering off into weirdly irrelevant sociopolitical grandstanding. Also, a brief check on the Twitter profile provided revealed almost no evidence of SJW status.

Hamfisted, overwrought, simplistic after school special masquerading as a prestige drama.

The movie is uhh…certainly not something I'd watch with my mom. Or an a first date. Or even with a less than close friend.

If I wanted to see Vox content, god forbid, I'd visit Vox. This is their third video posted here in like a week. The last one was a Taylor Swift video. Are you getting commission?

Spoiler: The killer will be white. Probably a relative of Huffman's character.

Don't Google this girl's name if you're at work. I learned the hard way.

~~ lol so randuummmm and le quirky lol ~~

I love this tribute video. Unlike 90% of YouTube tribute videos, I promise it's not set to Imagine Dragons - Radioactive.

omg white men are like so problematic ugh…

You're right.

Wow, this sucks. I actually did Oxy with him once, he was a real nice guy. Unexpectedly shy.

This was PROBLEMATIC. Where ŵere the trigger warnings!?!? I'm going to write a lengthy blogpost on Tumblr about this episode triggering xe repeatedly. I hope none of xir were triggered as badly as I was.

tl;dr kept some damaged chick (not good enough to breed) as my side bitch. No fucks given. I'm such a nice guy for not beating her. found out I'm now her sidebitch. Many fucks given.

And how many pass the reverse Bechdel? Kids books are extremely basic, for obvious reasons, and don't generally deviate from plot discussion - what little plot there is, of course. Characters, male or female, aren't exactly richly fleshed out.

Weird. I just finished watching The Girl Next Door for the first time. Expected it to be terrible. Pleasantly surprised that it wasn't.