
I work for a telecomm that started offering in-house 'triple play' services two years ago, and with some fairly consumer-focused product goals in mind. For instance, the highest obtainable residential speed by our competitor is 50Mbps. Our offering is up to 100Mbps in specific locations with a 3-year goal of expanding

You are correct. They are very similar to the correct 67' Mustang wheel covers, but are not actually 67' Mustang wheelcovers. :/ That'd be a dealbreaker for me.

Hey cuzzi-bro, looks like your half-pissed! I may just be three sheets to the wind me self but even I think you best make friends with the couch instead of being a bloddy-bogan waste on the sidestreet tonight.

"The Roku's a hell of a great video streamer—really the only mainstream contender against the Apple TV. "

Let's not forget the topic not so long ago stating, 'Stop calling gadgets sexy!' — and yet here we are, expecting groins to be set aflame by a damn phone. I also find humor in the endless love for Apple's simplicity in design and nomenclature (Apple iPhone 3, 3S, 4, 4S) ...and yet somehow Nokia N800 is a bland title.

It is like seeing Abraham Lincoln launch himself out of a cannon in the middle of the Civil War, while freeing the slaves. How grandiose.

Anyone else bothered by the fact that everyone looks at the Mustang as a retro design and the Camaro as a modern design despite the fact that the Camaro, like the 05 Mustang and 08 Challenger are carbon-copies of their originals?

#corrections Article requires further review. I attempted to send this notification silently by e-mail or other one-to-one messaging means, but the article also lacks contact information for the editor/journalist.

"Do you come with the car?"

May I present the 1964 Lincoln Continental for your consideration?

I was going to stay out of this as it really is a war of opinions and I quite fancy both the 370Z and the Mustang. The problem arose when you tried to be factual and failed, instead promoting stupidity and ignorance to the masses.

I love the Volvo C70 as a whole, but this particular one reeks of tacky Swedish furniture and day old meatballs.

Agreed. Also, I don't get the reference to cracked windows. The affect appears to merely be a creative way to fill the gaps by mimicking what would be a reflection in the glass.

Stephen King drives a Prius? Frightening indeed.

Any late 80's/early 90's Honda, be it Civic, CRX, Accord, or from the Acura family with the first Integras. These are all great cars for those on a budget as they demand little, sip fuel, are very cheap and easy to service and meet all the basic needs of travel from solo commute to small family trips. Toyota Corolla


The problem is that in the first paragraph, she notes that with 12 hours of exposure to the Roseart crayon, there is very little damage, but that after only 3.5 hours of exposure to the Crayola crayons, the mess is horrid.

I actually know one of the engineers working for the company producing this product. He has over 20 years in the field of engineering and has worked on several respectable projects prior to this new task.

Motorbike Gymkhana — very popular in Japan, for which I assume was an upswing based out of the equestrian gymkhanas with horses.

I've never seen a wagon E30 before, I like it. I'd find a $5,000 price tag quite reasonable for such a vehicle of that vintage, unfortunately $15,000 will be a hard sell.