I work at a call center with a colorful group of dudes sitting in my vicinity (white, black, and some latino). When they get an Indian, African, Middle Eastern, or Asian name.. the ones that are hard for Americans to pronounce.. well..
I work at a call center with a colorful group of dudes sitting in my vicinity (white, black, and some latino). When they get an Indian, African, Middle Eastern, or Asian name.. the ones that are hard for Americans to pronounce.. well..
A bunch of well-meaning but under-prepared creative hands in the pot, with nobody guiding the recipe who understands any particular African culture enough to write a fantasy setting as a cultural examination.
Two guys where I work go back and forth calling eachother “pinche gringo” and “damn mexican”.
I was just being snarky lol.
But that means that when she does something we don’t like, she’s going to have a hard fall.
I agree that pro wrestling is generally very misogynistic, but the rock has built up a pretty consistent reputation as a good guy. If we’re speculating on which pro wrestler is least likely to harass or assault a woman, I gotta go with Mick Foley. :)
You made a few comments, I’m gonna reply to them in one post.
You can take away guns, but some bad guys will STILL HAVE GUNS!
You mean automobiles?
I think by “deadliest mass shooting”, they’re trying to categorize it as being performed by a single shooter or small group of shooters. The ones described above were performed by large crowds of assholes, rather than one angry asshole.
*For our Caucasian readers, a Black & Mild is a slim cigar filled with pipe tobacco and consumed by black uncles at cookouts across America. It is one of the few cigars sold at bodegas and convenience stores not used primarily as blunt wrapping.
Because a lot of women do want to get married, and plenty of them are upset that the fellows in their life don’t want to settle down. My roommate is such a lady, she’d scream from the rooftops that she wants to be a wife if she thought it would help her find a good guy. There are FB groups for it and everything.
I just got turned onto Rick & Morty over the summer, and I freakin’ love it. I knew it was something really special when they turned humanity into freakish mutants and then peace’d out to another reality. The horror on Morty’s face at the end of the episode as he was dealing with it all, and the fact that it wasn’t a…
Anytime there’s a thing people like to enjoy while smoking weed, you can bet your ass in the background there’s an insidious culture around it.
I’m ashamed at my brothers in the struggle who can’t get off the NFL dope this season and who come up with all kinds of asinine excuses as to why they will continue watching.
Although the word “kek” originated as a World of Warcraft meme, it has since been repurposed by alt-right internet denizens as a symbol of white nationalism, not unlike Pepe the Frog.
Tangentially, the conversation about the Wests reminds me of various conversations when Luke Cage came out on Netflix about how there are a variety of black cultures, and only some were represented in the show.
Joe West is a treasure. I’d only seen Jesse Martin on Law & Order before Flash, but now I’m a fan. Plus, the dude sure can sing.
Have to agree with Matt. It’s not the responsibility of every white person to apologize for other white people. Just like it isn’t the responsibility of any tother race to apologize for the actions of other members of their own.
but he put a lot of time and effort into making sure the woman is pleased.