
Baby wipes are the answer.

I saw that back when it happened, but those were snipers hitting whoever they could in uniform. To my knowledge, no one’s actually gone to the homes of murderous cops for retribution. Yet.

West Virginia here.

I tried to imagine as if it were my brother getting shot like this. To have to see the videos, both from the car and the dash cam.

they could use what they’d built for Andromeda to make the sequel way better, much like Casey Hudson and his team had done from Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2.

Because to think you can win ANY argument against the NFL is foolhardy. The league never changes. The machine always wins.

How do we know she’s not faking these notes simply because she wants to get out of her lease?

(although is being recognized - in a friendly way - as “the black guy” a bad racist thing or a good racist thing?).

But, one shouldn’t have to deal with just a “cheap” phone. Not someone living in Western Civilization in 2017. I’ve watched my Mom using an old, walmart, $100 piece of shit for awhile until I was able to step in.

latest phone/unlimited data

But in a larger cultural context, it doesn’t feel great to see that he’s largely been portrayed in those ways. It can be difficult to explain why portrayals of black men as athletes or entertainers can ruffle feathers—it’s really not about role, but the frequency with which black men are placed in it.

Fear and rage motivate me to action.

Maybe he can’t afford a cab after paying for the movie. Those prices are ridiculous.

The further along we advance, the more “extreme” our past figures are going to seem to us. A guy like Gygax is going to be skewered by our modern ideals of equality and whatnot, but consider the source. He was a midwesterner during the post WWII era. It was a miracle he didn’t have a racist tirade somewhere in his

Don’t let reading comprehension get in the way of your outrage though, carry on.

Let me start by saying that I think this whole situation is pretty fucked. That being said...

A la carte health insurance completely undermines the way “insurance” works. If you break it up the no one is going to sign up for the super expensive coverages like and there won’t be a sufficient pool of people to support it.

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

Trump is rightly criticized for “grab’em’ by the pussy,” while Pence is then lampooned for being faithful to his wife....”Dude, you’re fucking afraid to eat dinner with a woman.”

of course no one deserves to be harassed, but it’s hard for me to say “Good for her” even... it’s not like she’s taking a stand on the issue at large, she only cared when it directly affected her, and only in that limited scope.