As ever, the humans ruin the video. Watch on mute. Or with Heart and Soul playing in another tab.
Honestly, if I had an injury that could reasonably lead to some amnesia, I’ll consider using it as an opportunity to at least act like I no longer know certain people, even if I still did.
Yeah, similarly, I had undiagnosed anxiety before I moved to NYC, but it definitely got worse once I got here and thus forced me to confront the fact that being afraid to go to work is probably not normal.
Yeah basically it’s like...
And that this male’s response is to be mad at the woman/en for calling it out and being sad, rather than the #somemen who carry out these atrocities against women around the world every day, really reinforces the OP’s point.
You didn’t contradict my opinion. You insinuated that I don’t deserve romantic love, and stated that I was rendering ALL men around the world equally culpable for the widespread rape and abuse of women, like the crimes committed in the article above.
Each region within a country has its own unique ecosystem of…
Maybe it would help if you imagined that straight people routinely raped and assaulted you and other gay people and that you were supposed to end up romantically attached to one of them in the end.
So, as a gay man... you have never dated a man? Having a hard time keeping your comments straight?
And yet it is men that are keeping women down. So .. yeah. Hive mind
So, I’m really struggling with the cognitive dissonance of knowing men around the world will take any opportunity to keep women down and the idea that I’m supposed to fall in love with one.
“Played the race card?” Dude, sit down.
Fuck all of this noise, I want what Canada has!
I’m kind of digging that look.
This is a wonderful reminder that youth is not all it’s cracked up to be. I think a lot of us look better at 30 than 20. Also, gonna listen to some Spiderweb today at work....yasss.
For all those people saying he might not know: he knew he had had unprotected sex with someone else. So at minimum, he knew that he *might* have something. If you’re fucking someone without a condom, and something changes since the last time (new partner, new test results) you HAVE TO TELL THEM. And then they get to…