
But...the Oprah doesn’t look like Drake... it looks like..old Rihanna with a beard...?

Noooo!! That happened to me, I had to ‘fix’ coffee once in the same way. Whhhyy, old people, why??

Vancouver. Really beautiful, West-coast vibe but waaay more relaxed than L.A. Universal Health Care. Higher minimum wages, much, much cheaper University. Mountains, hiking, wildlife, beaches. Depending on your job, getting a work-visa can actually be relatively easy (I’m assuming you’re American).

I really dislike her I have a bodily disgust response to it. BUT, she’s right about this issue and she really doesn’t seem like an asshole overall. You, however, do seem like an asshole. ‘White-girl feministing?’ Go away.

Douchebag: “Do you want a cigarette?”

I’ve got brown eyes too and I’ve never gotten the ‘are those your real eyes’ bit, instead I’ve seriously gotten, ‘are those your real eyelashes?’ EYELASHES.

After kind of weirdly scrutinizing my hairline for a couple minutes my Mom goes, “Are you going bald??” To clarify, I am a woman. A young woman with a very thick, full head of hair. What the FUCK, Mom? I spent a week after that trying to find old pictures of myself to make sure my hairline hadn’t changed.

What the actual fuck!

“I’ve never met a hot lesbian before.”

At least they finally just came out and said it: “America is thinking about the baby.”

Why do thirsty people like this always lament the high crime rates, violence and poverty of ‘old’ New York and try to lay claim to it from their little enclaves of safe streets, organic kombucha turd cocktails and $3000/month 1 bedroom apartments? A man was beaten to death and it makes you nostalgic? That is

Dear god, what a piece of shit.

Why not write a complainy piece about the reasoning behind why various news outlets all chose to dub her the new, safe girl crush for hetero women (hint: she looks like a model..but with tattoos) instead of writing a complainy piece addressed directly to women who may simply be expressing the kind of complex sexual

Oh yes, retail is it’s own special little thing. People attempting to return still-wet swimsuits with menstrual stains, or literally return something after two years and many washings/wearings had elapsed, simply because they didn’t want it anymore. Cleaning up changerooms with things literally torn up, people getting

Moxie’s is the worst. I served there for awhile about 7 years ago, and at that time heels were only mandatory for the servers working in the lounge. They also had to wear mini-skirts, even on days where your eyeballs were literally in danger of freezing from being outside too long, like -35 degree Celsius days, they