Iwona Burgunda

It was the eighth-month anniversary of her son’s birth, not his “birthday,” which is generally understood to be the annual anniversary of one’s birth.

She sure did!

My late grandmother swore they were carrying on. She would say “look at the way she looks him and he looks at her.” Then she’d do a long “mmmmmmhmmmm” in that way only southern black grannies can.

Chaka Kahn

.........#GetCondieLove (coming soon to Netflix)......

Dang! I was just fix in’ to write that when I read your comment. Definitely. I grew up in Houston and am close friends with someone who grew up socializing with the Bush family. INTERESTING family...

Ugh, no shit. That one makes me stabby. Every so often, you’ll hear about some new grad who’s all “I landed my job at a NICU, but the hospital requires me to prove I’m vaccinated. How do I fake it so I can still keep the job?” Umm.... ya don’t, asshole. Those are medically fragile infants.

My psychiatrist believes strongly in Dr. Mercola and in all kinds of and “nutritional healing” quackery. I’m like “ok. Just shut up and give me the Ativan.”

They believed all the science except vac science...

when i was a senior in high school i stalked the shit out of him while he filmed a beautiful mind on the princeton campus... i had seen gangster No 1 the previous year and had become obsessed...i would traipse around in my most exquisite delia’s finery hoping to catch paul’s eye...sometimes even trying to

Bettany, Nicole Kidman, and Patricia Clarkson were fabulous in Dogville despite Lars von Trier. He is also wonderful as a Darwin figure in Master and Commander.

Please see “Wimbledon”. With Kirsten Dunst, oddly enough. Very cute!

Charlotte Gainsbourg has a high tolerance for disgusting auteur types, in case you forgot who her father was.

We have 2 pledges, The pledge of allegiance and the Texas Pledge.

Texas (*) one and indivisible.

lol that is precious.

OMG this has happened to us too many tines!!

Wait— I don’t remember typing that... Holy crap! There’s another of us!

I love this so much. I have a bunny with a fat and percussive backside. It’s super relaxing and satisfying to pat his butt.