Iwona Burgunda

Ha! My brother was adopted at age 15, I was 19. For some reason he decided that “being a brother” necessarily included taking the stinkiest, rankest shit, then dragging me into the bathroom and locking me in....

I think it was actually Taken 5

Now playing

But, is it as good as Henri, Le Existential Chat?

The Crucible.......... *head desk*

I call Target “The Happiest Place On Earth”

One of my dogs just fucking hates me now:

“Transcripts”... was that the one where they had one story with a university admission counselor? His bit about “the mission trip essay” cracked me up... having grown up Southern Baptist in the south, I knew every one of those kids he is referring to.

Because Gawker only reported on the 12 asshats protesting with guns the Irving mosque (which is horrible), but not this... I’ll just leave this here:

I feel old. No idea what any of this means. =/

I was anxious, on the verge of panic, and so damn sad throughout almost every damn minute of it. I don’t even know why I pushed through.


I’d just like to put this here, since of course the 12 nut jobs with guns at the Irving mosque was made national by Gawker, but the 200 showing support the other day was not reported... WE AINT ALL BAD

I just introduced my fiancé to “morning cake”.... Which is me eating a little Debbie at 8 am and stuffing a bite in his mouth to make me feel better...

This is the chap who has me on the peeeNUS! hello adele picture “HELL NO” text

Because he prayed real hard. The girl obviously just didn’t pray enough.

There were these frat bros next door in my college dorm who were always blasting shit (with bass insanely loud, which is THE WORST) at all times. I would ask them to turn it down, talk to the RA, etc etc. The only thing that got them to stop? One night, when my roomie was out and I was going to spend the night at a

I take it you won't be purchasing her platter collection from Walmart.