Iwona Burgunda

Well, if it can be defined as stat rape then it is rape. She might have felt it was consensual but she cannot legally consent. Furthermore, I think the story has been hinting at that she has been abused at some point between the dolls she placed in a sexual position, the stuff and school and then this. Something has

I think it def was the unreliable narrator/ugly truth contrast. But I think it was also more of a "when revenge and fantasy collide" in a horror filled world and less one or the other.

I haven't read any of his novels myself, but I hear he has at least one with a very strong, complicated female character.

Right? That 30 second scene was SO complicated I could write a master's thesis on it. Pretty sure those aren't the only two conclusions.

Though we don't see her much, I think Maggie is a GREAT character. I think she has consistently shown she has the control over her life and how she wants her relationship to look, and a connection with her children. I LOVED the scene where Marty sat eating slobbery while the three women of the house refuse to let him

Now I'd like to compile a list of what people called it! Regionally, by age, etc!

I always called it the abominable snowman!

I like to blame everything on anti-vaccer's, too. So I am with you.

"really old teen"

Happens all the time... I think that's what we get for not missing a submission.

I agree. Furthermore, with her I just couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. They go on and on about her flexibility. Of course she is, she is 15. I just don't want this to start a whole round of completely unattainable standards... basically you have to be 15 to look pretty on the ice. I like the idea of

Annnddd the comment of the threat goes to you! +1

I wish I could be in the meeting room when they discuss any article that gets 100% negative feedback. If they even discuss it at all.

Maybe if this many people don't pick up on it it is either not sarcastic or really poorly written? I really don't see anything funny here, even if it is a joke. What am I supposed to be laughing at?

I threw away my pizza box. GUESS I MUST BE 40!

Well said about the problem bit... never thought of it that way. And I am sure now it is all I will see! Thanks a lot! ;)

"I hope Karlie gets the chance to have a home that represents her one day because this can't be that."

I love this apartment. Looks similar to mine. GUESS I MUST 40!

Exactly. This article had no reason to be written.

He seems like a decent enough kid. Kind of hate all the flack he is getting here. He is young, is going to say silly stuff or sound self-involved from time to time, but he seems genuine. And I don't think daddy Will would take no stuck up jackass for a son. I like him just fine.