Iwona Burgunda

I hate to be "that person" but cymbalta is not an SSRI either. You said it yourself, it is a tricyclic. Coming off of SSRI's like zoloft have more flu like symptoms.

NevAR enuff!

If you want to talk about class, maybe it's time to delete the "dirt" on your computer?


Her make up ALWAYS looks flawless. Perfect rosy cheeks.

Staying home?! Where tha fuck is their Ma or Pa or Mimi or Papa?!

OMG best auto correct EVAR

The Saab show was PERFECTION!

Southern girls UNITE!


WOW! Have the collections this go around been particularly outstanding or are my tastes changing or are things more in line with my tastes these days? I've loved every single one of these collections posted so far.

God, my grandmother essentially offered free education to anyone who would go to Baylor... out of the 20 of us grandchildren, only one bore that cross.

I RARELY do this sort of thing, I tend to avoid political conflict like the plague. I mean, when someone is so convinced you are an abdominal snow person because of your views on abortion, then there is not going to be any sane conversation after that. Thing is, I just found this SO FUNNY and it kinda gave me a funny

Yes to the last part! One of my HARDEST classes in HS was a regulars class! I took all AP except physics because well... I didn't care about science at the time and also... PHYSICS! Anyway, I found it wayyyy more difficult than I would have had I been in a class with a teacher who cared and made the students care.

I just posted this on my FaceBook... let's see how long it takes for all the conservative "truth bombs" to land... Growing up in rural Texas, I really should delete all HS FB friends for my sanity.

I'm honestly not trying to get on to you particularly, but "the help he/she needs" is becoming so damned common on this site.... there is a level of separation in the wording I hate. =(

WOW! These are all so fucking gorge... also I am SO HAPPY to see yellow! Yellow has always been my fave color! (When I was a kiddo I insisted on yellow bands for my braces. It looked like I never brushed by teeth but I loved it because YELLOW!)

I have never even glanced at this book, and the narrative voice is worse than I could have ever imagined..... you're right... OH JEEZ?

Verbal tee-ups I am okay with its the "tee-downs" that drive me crazy. I simply cannot handle it when someone is trying to make their point and they finish every other phrase by lifting the pitch in their voice as if it was a question and then ending it all with, "if you know what I mean, if that makes sense?" STOP