Iwona Burgunda

Love this.

I am hoping he will know that through my presence... just like like lil abused Lucy did.... I am the beneficiary of my gay uncle cuz ... I care? I didn't ask for it? I want to be supportive of the (I am so sure) gay cousin but how do I approach that? "Look, whatever your sexual proclivities I love you?"

I think maybe these families aren't so perfect, as much as they are masters of disguise? I think we are all broken, the thing is my extended family and I we are on uneven playing grounds. They know all my shit, but I know nothing about them them.

I am pretty sure the son (16) on my crazy pastor uncle is gay.. is it horrible that I hope this is true just to make them open their eyes? (When 'deviance' is close it makes it human).

This is very beautiful. I have something to say about this, but I am too emotional to write it. Not sure I will do it sufficiently. All I can say is I am grateful for you and your dog!

I really do... I am working on it.

And now you've made ME cry!!!!! I am working on making my own family to do the holiday's with, you are right, it is something I need- my own family that is not blood related. And everything you say about attractiveness I logically and intellectually know, isn't that one of the shitty things in life? You KNOW it but

Thanks for your kind words, sincerely! It's been rough but it's not worth fighting 30 people at once... so I guess my inner world needs some RELEASE! =)

Thanks for your kind words! I myself, being non-religious (consider myself a recovering Southern Baptist), think if god existed he would be thinking, CMON GUYS THE TURKEY IS GETTING COLD, CUT IT OUT ALREADY!

Lol! Exactly!

The older I get the more I dislike the holidays. Especially since my family is SOOO crazy Christian. Thanksgiving day went to grandma's house. My uncle is the pastor at this ridiculously cultish like church and he always hijacks the holidays with JESUS PRAISE. He made us all sit down (30 of us) and go around and say a

Peeta grew on me hardcore during Catching Fire. I didn't care about him in the first film. This one they had more time to expand his character and make him less "needy" I guess.. but Peeta was DAMNED hot this time around.

It's the execution... the execution looks like a HS art project.

Exactly, the execution is little to be desired.

Hah! Sorry, don't mean to laugh but I love TD/DR meaning too depressing didn't read. It's perfect.

I realized it was basically the exact comment that Erin made everyone is going crazy over... and I didn't feel like dealing with backlash =(


Yes! Though, I am not really a fan of Carrie Underwood's voice... it has this sort of throat bubble sound, whereas Julie Andrews had such a pure, flawless voice.

Did you not read it? It says she had to travel about a mile, and the son died. Not even td/dr.

I am not for banter or interaction! I find that obnoxious and I don't like small talk. I am just talking about (and maybe this never happens in NYC because it is so big and populated but it def happened in Caen. France and the neighborhood I was living in in Chicago) when there are two people in the street, or