Iwona Burgunda

This is really more El Paso or Lubbock mentality... this patriarchy idea doesn't go too far in the big cities.

Ok, here is one. I got in trouble with the law when I was a teen. I got sentenced to labor detail. 5 days. The guy who ran it, the sherif I presume, hit on all the ladies. Saying things like "I know we can't because the situation but I wanted to let you know that I am interested.." or asking for phone numbers to do

And I think Callie mixed some stories up.... there are not seven gates to hell, one of the (many) gateways TO hell ARE the seven gates of hell in Pennsylvania... imma dork...

I always said this about people who go to romantic comedies without a "sense of irony"... like, what it is like to be the person who doesn't watch a romcom and completely pick it apart? I would like to experience that once or twice or so.

Thanks for the update!!! I might just give it another go.. I live in a city with Whole Foods now, so I will just go get it from there instead of the place that got me sick sick sick.

If it hasn't happened yet, I wouldn't worry. I was sick within 2 hours.

;) It was on an open thread, oh wells! C'est la vie! Mais DANKE!

guyz i'm tired of being in the greyyzzzzz... i've been here for yrs n yrs n yrs =( how the hells am i in the black on gawker but not on jez? i think i only ever commented on the gawks once and i'm here all the time? VALIDATION I NEED VALIDATION VALIDATE ME Y'ALL

I think this is the best advice I have ever seen on Jez. Cheers!

I did a juice cleanse, with Roots Juices here in Dallas... I got violently ill. I think one of them might have gone bad =( ... I guess I did "cleanse" though... heh. Would like to know if your experience is better than mine, been scared to try again.

UGH. My mom does this thing where, if we go out to eat, for me (A girl) it is always "don't you want to split something?" and for my brother it's "you should order more food!" BLARGH.


Now playing

You know... I was about to say she is too high profile for Russia to risk "losing"... but then I remembered Viktor Tsoi from Kino and realized that wasn't beyond the realm of possibilities... this guy died in an "accident".... car crash.... he got his start as the "first Russian rock god" before communism fell in

Grrl, I never got Halloween. I had two clients SO UPSET I MADE THEM COME TO CLASS ON HALLOWEEN AT 1 PM. I got so frustrated I said, "LOOK, Y'ALL ARE GROWN ASS WOMEN, YOU AREN'T ENTITLED TO HALLOWEEN. SHADDAP OR FUCK OFF." They shut up.

Sue for what? Damages in the form of money? She is $$$$$$ without him.

eye bee wif yoo... lyyyeeesss DOURTNEY4EVS!.....?

Don't have too much to say about this piece, except... I totes disagree with the blood taking part! GOD I LOVE getting my blood drawn. 4realz y'all... I find it so fascinating, and strangely rewarding. It's like... little sting... then... MAGIC HAPPENS

(1) Just had to look at the Avril video.... Chad is wearing more makeup than she is... which really is something...

He might be a cairn terrier:

What kind of dog is this? His face and coloring looks a lot like my dog... a pound puppy of indeterminate breed origin...