Good suggestions, thank you! I am going to go pick up my nephew (her other kid) one day this week so she can have a little quiet time. BOY DOES THAT KID TALK!
Good suggestions, thank you! I am going to go pick up my nephew (her other kid) one day this week so she can have a little quiet time. BOY DOES THAT KID TALK!
Sorry to hear about your friend's baby. And yeah, I think you are right, this is going to be a grieving process, and that is totally ok.
Oh yes, the "I know how you feel" people... ugh. Thanks for your suggestions, I am trying my best to just let her feel her feels and be there for her (while my mom is running around like a chicken with her head cut off problem solving, ugh).
Thank you so much!
That's a great blog, thank you for the suggesting. I'll let my sister know about it.
She has some slight physical "abnormalities" but they could also just be genetic- like a receding chin (I have), wide set eyes (her dad has), webbed toes (some people just have crazy toes). But he cannot suck, so she is on a feeding tube, and cannot hold up her head. There will probably be intellectual developmental…
So, guys, my niece, just a little over a month old (though she was a month early) has just been diagnosed with a rare chromosomal disorder. One that doesn't have a name. She has two complete #2 chromosomes and #12 is partially deleted with a partial #2 in its place. My heart hurts so much for my sister. Anybody here…
I was wondering! But I also loled.
Fuck Black, Marry Lupin, Kill Pettigrew, yeah?
I thought about that with Cedric- but I decided that I was going to play as if I did not know anyone's fate. (Don't choose to kill me in FMK for this... but I cannot remember what Veela is!)
omg... best gif ever....
The first two are hard!!! I only decided on killing Jinny and Fleur because they are boring =(
Really? I was about to post that I think he grew up to be a very handsome man!
Yes! Someone please answer the questions, I am dying to know, too!
Mannnnn, I totes jammed to some Mary Mary back when I was a young'n and Christian music was all I was allowed to listen to.
I TOTALLY forgot about Zooey until this post. I liked it better when she was never in my thoughts.
Donald Trump's cognitive dissonance grows stronger by the day.
Yeah, I think you hit on something with the 20 yr old bit. She has the unfortunate situation of going through her "I do what I want" stage in front of everyone. God, I would be so embarrassed if mine was all over the nets.
I am so glad she is getting long term care. But what is more striking to me is that they held her this long- I feel it is only because she is in the public eye and has money. Most people, no matter how bad they are, get released in 3-7 days. Long term mental health care (inpatient) is nearly unheard of these days.