Iwona Burgunda


My ex drove a large truck and had a very small dick! I thought it was a stereotype until I saw it for myself!

Maus I & II were completed in the 90s, and the Nazis did not exist 100 years ago ;)

I worked at Target in High School- and I don't really have any advice. I just remember being backstabbed by my manager in front of a customer when it was an obvious computer error (she made it out to be my fault and essentially humiliated me in front of the customer), I remember getting a $10 gift card for being the

You know what? I'd like to see them try. This bullshit on the national stage wouldn't float. Imagine all that fury the Texas women brought to a right leaning state and multiply it by 38718274812748217443674. There would be marches on the mall every fucking hour of every fucking day. In fact, sometimes I don't wonder

I've been looking around Facebook, and it seems the whole DFW metroplex is in shock.

a cool breeze under the cajun mood

*If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.

Dude... Kidd Kraddick died? That's so sad and.... strange. I listened to him every morning when I was a kiddo and thought top 40 radio was the shiz. He was a staple of my life! RIP!

Do y'all have a dog?! This place just opened up... and its GREAT! Beergarden thats dog friendly.

Once I was eating dinner with a friend. The waiter starting hitting on my friend, said "You're so beautiful.... I mean... you both are...."

OMG.... Timothy Olyphant... omg....

(ok, not really applicable, but I found it today and NEED TO USE IT SOMEWHERE).

THIS! The childhood thing that is not actually a thing. I thought "hot as a nugget" was a phrase... because I kNOW I heard it as a child, I KNOW IT... apparently one does not say "don't touch that, it is hot as a nugget."

omg... that tongue thing.... she does it like 502389283923 times in her music video. Miley, I dig ya, but we gotta talk about this. Enuff is enuff.

OMG YES. Also "It could happen?!" And I shall leave it all at this:

Shit- you know I have to do this now... right?

OMG- my heart goes out to you... I have family in Pheonix... the outdoorsy things to do around there are awesome... but it could never justify the heat for me.

Rub it in! ;)

When I see things like this, I wish I had grown up with a gramps, they seem so great.