Thank you- this is dismissive:
Thank you- this is dismissive:
I agree with you, it is applied with not applicable.
I agree Hollywood likes to label someone an addict when they might not be as an excuse for bad behavior. I would just like to add, though, that sex addiction is a real thing. Very very real.
As an addict in the midst of addiction, I was a selfish ass, an idiot and a train wreck in my life and the lives of othesr, and in recovery I do take responsibility for my behavior and life. The thing about addiction, is, it is so "cunning, baffling, powerful" I never could understand why I would choose alcohol over…
Furthermore, if I WERE to take a selfie, I would go out of my way to make sure it does not look like a selfie.
OMG- thank you.
Sounds about right.
Thanks for the link! I will look into it!
Thanks for your response! It is really not about losing weight, I am happy with where I am at. I mostly just need a "reset." About the colonic, though, I have always wanted to get one... it's not that uncomfortable?
Le sigh.
Yes! The make-up thing! I never wore it either, then I realized when I wore it, and dressed nice and actually shaved my legs I looked in the mirror more kindly at myself! Not about anyone else, just me. And yes... loving self is fucking hard. My therapist and I work on it almost every damned session- its just so hard…
Ok y'all- I did it... even with all my calling BS and yadda yadda yadda... I ordered a juice cleanse. I SRSLY been eating poorly the past few weeks (new meds making me want to dip a spoon into the sugar jar and just go to town). I mostly am just wanted to "reset" my brain.
I went through the whole fall and come out with bipolar diagnosis, too. And the best thing I can tell you is daily maintenance! Shower everyday, walk everyday, eat well everyday, pay attention to your emotions everyday, take your meds everyday, see friends once a week, if something starts to feel off, address it right…
My mom will never allow me to make an adult decision without a passive aggressive "do what you want" shrug. I am 27. This decision could be "I'm going to go to the grocery store, today," but she thinks I should go tomorrow. I live an hour away from home. I CAN HEAR THE SHRUG ON THE PHONE Y'ALL!
Ugh- I feel you! I have had people independent of each other name me Daria one too many times.
Geddit grrl!
No joke about the internet grammar- I have had professors that type in all lower caps. Also, ones who use emoticons, etc. I quite like it.
I ask too much... I know!
Thank you for this, when the article first popped up I was suspicious as the "evidence" given by Barry was solely the difference between male and female drinkers, and not any portion from the discussion section or findings section.
I just want to give a shout out to all the women here who posted with their stories of recovery! Congrats to you all! I am fairly new to it, and seeing the years y'all have under your belts give me a lot of hope.