Iwona Burgunda

Cheese is a guilty pleasure? Shit.

This music video always made me feel uncomfortable, solely due to all the time he spends looking down and singing "how does it feel?" Like he is singing to his dick...


Yes! Lazy and BORED. He looks so bored.

My dad called these things brain-busters.

Big and Carrie are both in Lovelace?!

OMG- its ALL THE TIME. People have this idea that social workers ONLY WORK FOR CPS, and that CPS REALLY WANTS TO FUCK OVER CHILDREN. I have heard everything from lazy to "retarded", but mostly people look at me like I must ruin children's lives. I explain I am a counselor, and they don't believe me. Ha!

Wow. That's ridiculous. Sorry you have to do that justification shit, its annoying and fruitless. I have to do it all the time- when I tell people I am a social worker I get so much shit. SO MANY SHITS! (You know, like how dead bodies do sometimes ; ))

Wait—- people think they don't need funeral professionals? Like... um... I know I wouldn't know what the hell to do with a loved-one's body... there are people who think they know?

I can see that- I don't know much about Denton other than a few concerts I went to. But now that you say it....

Eh, I've lived in Austin and Dallas, and I ran into less bros in Dallas than in Austin. I think its the level of economic disparity between major parts of Dallas as compared to Austin, and a lack of a big school. That being said- Fort Worth is bro-y as hellllll.

Hah- no I got it! And it's wooorrkkkiiinnngg!

Right- I get the implications of it. Just not why the fuck they're doing it. (Though I guess we all know why... it's just... huh?)

I don't get this , OMG THAT IS SOOO BAD FOR YOU OMG YOU'RE DISGUSTING IF YOU EAT THIS! Like... we get it. No one looks at this and says "oh yes, sticking to my diet today in ordering this!"

Wait... I need more explanation about the Islamic law thing. I read the linked article and it also just gives a one sentence pop-in about it... what does not using Islamic law for family disputes mean? And either way, what judges would use Islamic law in court decisions, anyway? Color me confused.

The ref was the hottest dude there.

I dunno... I like her more than "Party in the USA" days... and I kinda dig her new music video and her commitment to large stuffed animal type props.

*plugs ears

LOL @ Paula Pell. My friends and I used to call her Anvil Lasagna.

Ah, I always thought of it as... well... just REALLY BAD- but I like your optimistic version better =)