
She is likely a poor adult woman. Thus she had a lack of options. The states around her all have highly restrictive laws on abortion as well. Illinois is probably the closest state with decent laws, but the southern part of IL is lacking in providers. The cost adds up when you factor in the cost of an abortion

My first inclination is to agree, but homegirl didn’t do this at 8, 10, even 12 weeks. She did it at 24. Which is more than halfway through a pregnancy. After you can visibly feel the fetus kicking and moving around for about 2 months. I fully support a woman’s right to choose, and yes, we have a long way to go

So often pro-lifers present the issue as a choice between abortions and no abortions. It is not. It is a choice between safe, legal procedures and a fucking horrorshow of misery and desperation.

Pro-choice or pro-life, we can all agree that this is horrific. But by all means, let’s continue to restrict availability and access to safe and legal abortion, the vast majority of which will occur long before 24 weeks.

He also said he was tired of hearing about her emails...

Agreed 100%.

Your political system asks its participants to tear each other down for a year, in public.

So you’re ‘kinda over’ all the progressive values that he’s been espousing for 30-40 years? Jesus Christ, dude. Fuck off.

Oh, please. You’re acting like Hillary is completely without faults that should be pointed out in a primary season. This happens every primary season. Hillary trashed the absolute shit out of Obama in 2008, and guess what? He still won. Is this your first election season? Jesus, the excuses that people make on kinja

No jezzies hate the fact that Bernie challenged their anointed queen during the primaries and secretly or openly blame Bernie for hillarys lost

They voted for a black guy twice; why wouldn’t they vote for someone who’s jewish? I’m not talking about the Trump voters in the south and other parts of the country; I’m specifically talking about the white guys, many of them union, in the rust belt that put Obama over the top but then switched to Trump. Obama got a

You can’t really blame Sander’s for people voting against their best interests. It’s the fault of the people.

Of course Bernie would have won; does anyone doubt that Bernie would have kept the working class white men in Ohio, WI, PA and Michigan that voted for Obama twice but then switched to Trump? WI, PA & MI were the whole ballgame and they’re Bernie territory. We could have had President-elect Sanders instead of that fat,

How did he “cause” that? The protesters have a responsibility to not threaten and not attack people. They were threatening to do that, that is why police had to keep them out of the building.

Why is it disgusting? I would not mind if he came to my HBCU. I support his right to speak and if my campus said we would host any candidate who got 5% or more, then we would honor our word. Even if it is person we do not like or have the same views.

Fellow die-hard Sanders supporter. I’m voting for Clinton not because he told me to (lol) but because it is the only SANE choice to make. Bottom line.

If it makes you feel better: all of the Bernie fans I know (including myself) have voted for or are voting for Clinton.

So giving a person your vote who hasn’t earned it is morally wrong?

If you’re a Sanders supporter, and he is a Clinton supporter, shouldn’t you currently be supporting the excutive branch candidate that he thinks will best help him accomplish his legislative branch goals?