
“We used to have a country, a great country, that was built on the stable traditional family...”

“A monster of a human being. The worst person I’ve ever worked with in my life.” - I don’t know, that sounds kind of generous.

Try sawing your own head off.

That’s a lot of hot takes to get to your hatred of soccer.

Christ, you’re stupid.

All the top comments on this article are from “women” who have “veterans” for husbands, whose “husbands” support Kaepernick but the commenters themselves don’t understand.

It failed because idiots like you are hellbent on willfully misconstruing his protest in order to delegitimatize it.

that was way too many words to say “if you don’t agree with my narrow world view, you suck.”

you are a dumbass

I just feel like he has a platform that most don’t

So it failed because it didn’t end police brutality immediately? Okay.

I’m just going to say this:

“Oh, it’s our turn again? Glad you guys finally got here.” -basketball

You REALLY don't want to have baseball players weigh in on this....

These conversations are vital, though? The very fact that Lena’s remark was “offhand” and clearly meant to be “funny” is indicative of a major blind spot many feminists have with regard to race that’s continually handwaved away.

Personally, I’m exhausted by the idea that we have to accept other women’s racism/classism/cisgenderism simply because they identify themselves as “feminists” and sometimes talk about body image, abortion and equal pay. There is room for debate and discourse among women, and there needs to be space for critique of the

Zero percent surprised at any of this. These are to women who:

Why does it have to be one or the other? We’re in the age of the TV anti-hero. You can both love and root for a character and find him or her absolutely insufferable at the same time or alternate back and forth between the two.

She’s projecting her insecurity onto him.

i love the show, but i get my enjoyment from hating pretty much everyone. every character. except maybe ray.