
A lot of commenters are really missing the point that the mothers of Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin*, Eric Garner, Mike Brown, and on and on and on managed not to attack any reporters even when they began flocking to report on their children’s deaths. There is another factor besides grief here, and it’s called whiteness.

Black people’s children die by cop almost every other day. Do you hate the reporters that do stories on them?

You completely hated the person being racially abused and assaulted while doing her job?

Besides the new voters, I think there will also be a lot of people who voted previously who will sit this one out. I’m thinking of my Repub relatives who can’t stand either candidate.

while Clinton was favored on immigration, dealing with international crises, sending U.S. troops overseas

In the end, I’m still fairly confident for a Clinton win, but even if its 6 points, that seems WAY TOO CLOSE. The fact that 40% of America is willing to vote for this clown, even if it is just voting with their usual party, just makes me feel ill.

Completely agreed. It almost feels like foreshadowing. When Obama said he believed the American people knew better (in so many words) than to vote for him, that was my Rains of Castamere playing at the Red Wedding moment.

If there is one thing #brexit made clear to me its that he is absolutely possible and actually more than likely, the worst part is there is no clear way to stop him.

Addicts in denial. People given wrong information. Perhaps (this is a stretch) someone who got black-out drunk the previous night and didn’t remember ingesting anything.

Since the charges, Somchai Lisaius has been fired from his job as a crime reporter on KOLD-TV

Not something I’m putting into my google search history.

Really you could just cut out the word “before” and everything that follows it.

“I don’t like PC culture” = “I don’t like having to think before I speak about the way my language might affect traditionally marginalized people”

Masculinity so, so fragile.

I think it’s hilarious that whiners about “political correctness” exemplify all the traits the claim to despise. Thin skin, obsessive need to control language, generally insisting on inane nomenclature. Like, this change shouldn’t even be called “political correctness”. The name was changed because calling a woman a

The worst thing here in Turkey is that they keep telling us we should keep on with our lives and not succumb to fear. I don’t understand how that is possible, how am i supposed to get up tomorrow morning and take the subway while knowing it’s such a strategic target for the terrorists.

I miss John Stewart. That is all.

Okay now that I’ve calmed down a little bit since yesterday. I know everybody is loving Cersei but the only thing that I really agree with her doing was giving Septa Unella to the Mountain. Tywin told her that she wasn’t as smart as she thought and he was correct. She has no allies now and Jamie is looking at her like

It was a Lyanna who protected Jon when he was born.