
@WatchingPreacher: @DrZaius Not to mention that the original source material from Bryan Lee O'Malley is already pretty great as far as dialog goes.

Well, it could be out for revenge because you tried to fucking burn it alive! That would be pretty amusing. It just wanted to help you, comfort you, keep you warm at night. And you murdered it! It would totally make sense if it was out to get you this time.

I'm finding it hard to get excited. We saw Natal and Move last year, and while it's great to see how it's improved as it's closer to coming out...the excitement was for seeing it for the first time.

@fallenvash: The line used to cost around $25. Then they said "we're making them more awesome!" and started charging $40. I have 2 of the Play Arts figures, but I haven't seen any of the Kai figures to compare. So I don't know what justifies the price increase. But they're certainly not something I can afford

@tanarchi: You can. It's called Mario Kart.

@TheNimboo: I think you'd lose a few features, like MMS and camera use as it currently stands. Don't worry though - HTC will have an update in under a month, they usually do.

@Garlock: Maybe she's a fan? I just don't think she belongs there. She's got her own crappy show to star on. The only thing I can really say for her is that she wasn't all tarted up, but actually looked professional.

That doesn't even make any sense. It's also not the government's job to save newspapers. It's also a waste of taxpayers' money. The global economy won't collapse if print media goes away (or evolves, like it should be doing instead).

Yeah so...why was she on there? Are the channels owned by the same company? Is she promoting something (nothing was mentioned)?

@Kellen Dunkelberger: You must mean if anyone is getting any extra content, that GS demands exclusive portions. Otherwise they would sell hardly anything at all.

@lonecow12: You mean horrible GAME guests. A-Kon is an ANIME convention. And for that, they do fairly well. One of my favorite English voice actors will be there this year. Sadly, I will not.

@alpha_weapon: Haha...That would have been hilarious. "Hey Yuna, I'm ba-WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU? I'm going back to oblivion, see ya."

That "the greatness of Final Fantasy X-2" comment is a joke, right? Because there was very little that was "great" about Final Fantasy Barbies. The story was meh, the music was bad, the script was awful, the bubble gum pop feel of the whole game was sickening, and poor Yuna! They destroyed her character completely.

So, the solution is to make it bigger and generic? Hooray?

Er, sorry, but Harry Potter is not about mowing down tons of wizards with your shotgun wand. I think they do more running the hell away than they do fighting in the last book. The three main kids anyway. It's been a little while since I read DH, but I don't remember thinking "This would make a great action game."

I'm a little confused. Do they mean that the story elements should be confined to event sequences only? And a "bare minimum" of them at that? Then what's left? I don't play an RPG to grind for hours and hours. If I wanted to do that, I'd go get an office job.

.... No. Not even Milo and Fable III, and the awesome things I've seen, and how excited it's made me can make me cough up $150 for something that in the end might just be a gimmick, an expensive toy I'll have lying around for 1-2 games. I've already got a Wii for that (and I'm not trying to take a shot at the Wii

12. Yell at it.