
I don't care if he puts a Ferrari engine in there, it's still a Nissan Sentra.

So, technically they ARE paying for the DLC. If they don't d/l it, then they basically got ripped off on content. And if they do d/l, well it was already figured into the cost of the game.

@Spderweb: I know what happened. What I don't understand is what that has to do with playing video games.

I don't understand what the late night fight has to do with what people do with their TVs. That seems really unrelated to me.

@SideCH: I guess not everyone is like me, a person who thoroughly thinks through (particularly pricey) purchases before they buy them. What a world it must be when people just impulsively throw their money around on anything and everything.

"How is this father's rational, if pre-emptive, decision really any different? Game consoles are in fact a luxury. And it's his house, his kids, his rules."

Number 5 is really nice.

@Whizkid103: Let me know when you figure out how to pull that one off.

@Grahamunculus the Corpse Golem: Really? The citizens were all pretty generic, I thought. Ezio's outfit was pretty great, and it was fantastic that you could change the color scheme (some were quite beautiful). But...while I considered it as well.... In the end, he's just Altair with a cape.

@Baconrath: Oh, you should! They released it on the Gamecube as well, as Skies of Arcadia: Legends. It's super fantastic.

Ditto on Nostalgia. Good system, but rather on the bland side. Rather on the generic side too. But more on the "super dumbed down Skies of Arcadia" side. I seriously keep thinking "Wow, this game is a lot like Skies of Arcadia, which I adored...and which I'd kind of rather be playing."

@Blore07: Mm...40-50 minutes. Classes started at 8:10, and ended at 3:20, with...half an hour for lunch in there, I think. So, however that works out. I remember our in-between class breaks (the few minutes time they give you to walk in the hall between classes) was reduced while in was in school, from 5 minutes to

@Blore07: Ouch, seriously? But how many classes did you have each day? I had 7 separate classes each day...that's 7 textbooks! Or 6 and an instrument, or 5 and a play/novel and an instrument, or whatever.

@(Starman) #number258: Mine was from Samsonite (they make luggage). It was TOUGH. But I don't know if they're even around anymore.

@NightMystic: Oy same here! I went to a small school, but it was still impossible in the 3-4 minutes we were given to go get my books between classes that were on the other side of the building. So I had to haul everything around, or cheat and borrow an empty locker in one of the other grade sections.

I had a kick ass Samsonite backpack that lasted me through Jr high, high school, and about 2-3 years of college before it finally bit the dust and was just unusable. And that was just the zippers. The bag itself was still in decent shape, but the zippers were frayed and wouldn't work anymore.

Is that just the standard, or a requirement?

@Dark_Mirage: Ming was actually pretty veiny all over her body...which you could just about see all of.

@Face Imploder: And there's that. You can find deals everywhere if you look hard enough, or wait a little while. And I too love taking my games out of the plastic.

@lordofthefly: Lulu in FFX had some veins visible in...certain places as well.