
I was going to say...that's really on the short side for a FF game (or any epic RPG like that). But if that's just the "main story," well.... That's better. 80-100 is more appropriate, in total.

@AshburnerX: Agreed. :/ Why isn't this in the game?

@NoelleBlue: I'm an RPG nut, and I am perfectly happy with my 360. Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, the upcoming Resonance of Fate, Eternal Sonata, Mass Effect, Fable, FFXIII, upcoming Alpha Protocol.... There's a Tales game on there, plus Star Ocean,Magna Carta..... There's plenty there to keep you happy.

@d_r_e: I don't know. She's crazy psycho protective. I'm not even sure if she realizes Naruto is anime, to be honest.

ATTN Persona fans and PSP owners: You have 4 hours to snap up a copy of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona PSP for $14.98 at Amazon.

@natedogXVI: It wasn't a rip. They were using the official Leia costume that was released, that they just touched up a bit. A rip-off would be if they made a similar looking costume, but they used the actual costume.

So...they got rid of the Leia top, but kept the costume's bottom piece? All they did was replace the top with what looks like an even more revealing bikini top.

@craazy: I wish my hubbie's kid was allowed to watch Totoro. His mother won't let him watch anime. Except for Naruto, apparently, which is OK. But I had Ghibli on TV one day when he came over, and he went "I can't watch anime." My jaw dropped.

@SirCletus: I rather like it when Cid's a hottie. :) He's certainly amusing as a crusty old man, but the more actually attractive males, and not ones that look like 14-year-old girls (I'm looking at you, Vaan), in these games is all good in my book.

@Ryan_the_D: ...isn't the point of FF games to reuse similar characters and themes? It's what ties them together and, you know, MAKES them Final Fantasy games. Chocobos, Cid, Moogles, summons....

@SergioAM: A lot of these kinds of things have removable clothes. I can't tell if hers is sculpted on or not, though. I doubt it can be removed completely, because her arms don't look like they come off.

Uh, clearly there are buttons on her shirt. Plainly visible buttons. They're just not buttoned up.

@jay13x: same here! woo Ibuki!

Well, that was a lot easier that all that twitter nonsense. So thanks, Twitter people, for doing all the work for the rest of us.

@Ben506: Haha, whoops! Poor sentence structure on my part. "....but I found some presents in a closet that I later received from Santa." There we go. :)

@Akihiko: I did not know Dell owned them either. That was the biggest surprise for me.

@JJBro1: That's because it wasn't a link. It got turned into a tag.

Looks like someone got some plastic surgery. He looks about 10 years younger.