
Some nongun people aren’t smart too though.

(Well, that’s kind of the point of training.)

The Four Rules

Based on recent experiences and stories I have heard from other job seekers, I have become convinced that recruiting is the current refuge of people too dumb to do any other job.

Better make it less than 140 characters, just to be safe.

It would make more sense to say he’d restructure our tax code so that Apple couldn’t hoard $35 billion overseas.

I’m a scientist, so I constantly have to convert back and forth between the metric system and freedom units.

Nothing says “I’m a Christian” louder than nonsensical intolerance, leaving your family on Christmas, to commit law breaking assholery bordering on homicidal rage!

I’m sorry, what did you think Mutually Assured Destruction meant? That was the whole point. Nuclear deterrence is all about the idea that if you attack, you won’t have a country left, even if you “win”.

A better representation would be the number of gun deaths by unlicensed gun owners vs. licensed owners. I think then you will get a better idea of where the problem lies.

Sorry, I’m too old and good grammar is too ingrained for me to use all the text speak that’s common now. I use correct words, I punctuate my sentences and I bitch constantly when spell check changes ‘wall’ to ‘bread.’ So if people think texts from me that they can read are cold and insincere, so be it.

What about people that don’t live in cities? Are we going to invest in effective public transportation for towns of 500 or 1,000 people? What about actual rural areas? Or are we going to force everyone to move to cities and abandon rural areas (ya know, the places where all the food comes from?). This is seriously a

lol, if the cat leaves as soon as it gets the chance, it’s not your cat is it? You were holding it captive, you weirdo.

I could’ve sworn this article was about vegetables.

thanks dad

“My dad wrote a letter and paid [the crew that built it] $3 to put it in the capsule,” one local Bay City resident told MLive. “I asked him what he put in it, but he said, ‘You’ll find out in 100 years.’ Instead, it was 50. I know he left a message for us five kids.”

All major religions are fucked up patriarchies! Just a reminder.

...and fully functional operating system that can actually run the various programs you’ll use as a professional. ;)

Although I’d never name my kids after guns, the whole gawker being “anti gun” gives me very creepy political agenda vibes. Surely journalists as smart as you Leah can realize that banning weapons, isn’t going to solve the underlying social and economic problems that cause violence. Someone who wants to kill people