“featuring a voice that was 50% carefully-cultivated awkwardness and 50% vocal fry”
Every first responder in the nation should protest this…
You’re right, Antifa are cowards and pussies, the Brown Shirts were neither.
They still are. Brown Shirts or Antifa: The name may change but the game’s the same.
Brown Shirt goons
Is this guy bad for the gun control…?
I will always view them as illegitimate.
You can hope for anything you want princess. Enjoy your fantasy.
You’re just bitter because you lost.
Brett Kavanaugh Is Good News for gun owners!
Here’s How To Travel With Fireworks As Safely As Possible:
Feudalism wasn’t so bad for the peasants?
That’s the same reasoning people use when they argue that slavery wasn’t so bad for the slaves.
Wearing sandals, crocs, flip flops or god forbid, slippers, in public should be a capital offense.
The crime? Waiting around for their friend
In an alternate universe, we elected Hillary and we’re regretting the horrible choice we made.
In this universe, we elected Trump and we’re regretting the horrible choice we made.
We were in a superposition of two bad outcomes and no matter how it collapsed, we were fucked.
We just happen to have the misfortune of being…
The local PD
You state that you work with the police:
Playing video games doesn’t qualify as real expertise.
After a Slow Pour Pilsner, I truly enjoy a Slow Pilsner Pee. It takes a long time to finish but it looks and smells perfect.