
Oh by the way you say they ruined their country, if so by selling the drug gangs weapons and continuing to make marijuana illegal in this country? That sounds like we ruined their country. We could stop this by reversing our actions by not selling drug lords weapons and making marijuana legal. But if the mexicans stop

"Also, I don't see how it is the "rich" peoples fault if Mexicans have ruined their own country and now run across into mine? "

Yo, I'm hispanic and I was born here in this country, Puerto Rican descent, so don't group us all together like your buddy try to do before. Not every american feels the way you do so becareful where wave the gun of yours. Ok buddy? You don't liked to called a klansman and I don't like to be called a parasit. you

Now playing

You're saying Gordon Copper is a crack pot?

"We are not looking to import welfare-recipients. We have enough trailer parks as it is...."

Exactly, one of the first things I learned when I was a journalism major many years ago, was to be as objective as possible when presenting a story. When this writer, and others out there as well, ridicules witnesses who see and report strange things, they make others who witnessed strange events hesitant to report

Thats funny.

I totally agree. I have yet to read a story about similar subjects that are not biased.

Best line. "Damn you Obamacare!" Cracked me up.


Can a brother dream?....

You never know...

I still have them.

I forgot Cloak and Dagger and Moon Knight.

Oh hell yeah!

Here is my wish list so bear with me,

I agree, they hate things people like and love things that people hate just to be cool.

Sounds awesome to me. As long as there is no mention of Ripley or Bishop, it sounds like a winner.