
Not as long as everything else has gotten more expensive. Everyone I know including me hasn't gotten a raise while everything from food to clothing and gas has gone up in price. Spending hundreds of dollars on a shiny new console and games are the last things on many peoples minds right now.


You are also forgetting that most of us hadn't got raises to off set the rising cost of goods in years so that makes it even more expensive in the near future.

Definitely. I learned my lesson after getting rid of my Amiga. My TV area looks like a mess but I don't care. I even have my Gamecube sitting next to my Wii just for the sake of it. Besides, if you really want old games, I go to Amazon or ebay.

That's pretty smart, I always viewed the Wii as a over-glorified Gamecube anyway. Well I guess Nintendo is going to find a way to get suckers to buy Gamecube games all over again the same way Microsoft and Sony does by removing backwards compatibility.

I wonder what would happen if the conversation turns to subsidies for rich farmers, oil companies, defense contractors,and rich bankers. I could see a shit storm brewing in Fox News when the rich try to defend their version of socialism.

Oh fuck yeah. That use to send me to the bathroom where I would hide.

And people believing in god are smarter than satanists? Sounds like they are two peas in a pod to me.

As long as greedy humans only care about themselves, we don't deserve to be in space.

And not everyone carries a nice camera around with them all the time. This includes an HD video camera too.

And not everyone carries a nice camera around with them all the time. This includes an HD video camera too.

And not everyone carries a nice camera around with them all the time. This includes an HD video camera too.

At least it was better than the movie Skyline.

So you're saying that if I believe in the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus, or whatever, my faith is proof enough for their existence, even if we can't see them? Really? No thanks. I've given the notion of god a chance and realized that believing in a deity is just silly. And most other atheists I know of believed in a

Now playing

Yeah. Blowing up shit is always a good idea.

Wrong. Faith is when you believe in some that you cannot prove that its real, Like God or believing that the NY Mets re going to win the world series this. Science is studying something through observation and getting the same results over and over again.

So sad. The release of war games have become a nationally celebrated phenomenon like The Fourth of July, the Super Bowl, and Madden NFL games. sigh...

I want Vagrant Story.

Yay. Another first person shooter war game.