@DocSeuss: thank you for the thought out response, I really enjoy when people go through in this format and pick out quotes to respond to...especially when they do it in a format not like mine above haha. just chiming in I'll probably respond to you tomorrow (on a couple points, of course at the end of the day…
@That-Other-Guy-Over-There: you mentioned in a different thread how you try to use this clip as much as humanly possible...and I for one am glad you weren't lying. :)
@Nick Edge: watch at :20...stage hazard.
worst achievements as of recent for me are the borderlands claptrap revolution collecting achievements...since it's completely random what they'll drop, I found myself picking up fish, panties, pizza, and oil cans for god knows how long when all I needed left were the bobbleheads. way to leave me with the worst taste…
@taniquetil: you realize your comment makes it sound like every member of kotaku, a gaming website, is on that level. perhaps saying "Plenty of people who play games still resort to..."then continue your point. I'm happy, you're happy, and your point is that much more solid.
if not for my own star, then do it for jim.
after what happened with the psp, I don't see how anyone can find fault with Sonys actions on this.
compatability is the biggest issue here for me. I've had plenty of fun in the past on pc, starcraft and diablo coming to mind right away...but leaving cost aside i think the biggest pull for consoles is the knowledge the game you're buying is 100% going to work and meant to be played on said console. Me and a few of…
@chaoticwolf: cool, thanks both of you for the info
A thought i just went through as I finally filled up my media storage and debated getting another one. I decided to go through and get rid of titles that weren't great games that usually meant i picked up from a bargain bin. It felt good AND made my collection look that much more impressive, since it's just core good…
quick question, i haven't actually played a pokemon game since red but I'm interested in getting black along with a 3ds whenever that comes out. In the meantime, if I were to acquire the above listed versions of pokemon and a ds, how far do you have to get in these games to actually download these pokemon? or is just…
@Troublehalf: awesome, can't wait till finals are over so I can actually play it. :)
@Simas: funny you say that, I was thinking to myself how good of a deal the xcom games were. I think this may be the beginning of the end.
first time I've ever purchased through steam. I remember being really interested in evil genius when it first came out, and 2.50 is more than reasonable to check it out! Also picked up poker night
This is always my favorite post on kotaku every year. well done.
great...now all i wanna do is watch watchmen
for further proof...refer to all "discussions" on potential racism in Resident Evil 5 :)
@HobbitGamer: it's nice to hit those goals and just take a break at times! This week I reached 17,000 (got system when RE5 came out) and felt it an ideal time to clean and sort everything in the apt,,catch up on finals projects, and watch some of simpsons seasons 9-18 that have been waiting ever so patiently to be…